Study women recognize fewer fake photos

Petra R. (37) has been looking for a new partner for several months. This also uses various online dating sites. She has already gained some experience. "Mostly the men look different at the first meeting than on the profile pictures. Often more overweight ". And yet she always falls for it. Like Petra, most women are obviously concerned.
Anyone looking for a partner online wants to present themselves in an attractive way. How does a photo look good, explains the "Apotheken Umschau", citing a study by researchers from the University of Connecticut (USA). These showed 305 young people the portrait of a man and a woman. The photos were in an unchanged and edited version. Men rated the person he was made attractive, but also less credible. Nevertheless, they would rather have met with the better looking person. Women found the optimized men's version more beautiful and believable, the researchers conclude. (Sb)