Study obesity significantly increases the Alzheimer's risks

Preventing obesity in young and middle-aged people may seem to protect us from the onset of Alzheimer's later in life. Obesity and obesity are more likely to be risk factors for heart disease and strokes, but researchers now found that obese people were more likely to have elevated levels of amyloid. This sticky protein forms the so-called plaques in the brain of people with Alzheimer's disease.
The Baltimore-based scientists at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine found that obesity may increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease. A healthy aging of the brain is based on the health of the heart and the blood vessels at a young age, explain the researchers. Obesity and obesity are bad for the heart and blood vessels and for that reason obesity also increases the risk of Alzheimer's disease. The physicians published the results of their study in the journal "Journal of the American Medical Association".

Experts examine obese subjects with diabetes
For their study, the scientists studied the deposition of amyloid in the brains of seniors. Participants had previously smoked in middle age, had high blood pressure, were obese, and had diabetes or elevated cholesterol levels, explains author. Rebecca Gottesman of the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.
What effects does poor vascular health have??
The above-mentioned risk factors can negatively affect the health of a person's blood vessels. If the vascular health suffers, it can lead to hardening of the arteries and other disorders, explain the researchers. The current study suggests that middle-aged vascular health may play a direct role in the development of Alzheimer's disease, the authors add.
How do the risk factors affect Alzheimer's risk??
If two or more of the risk factors are present, the risk of large deposits of amyloid triples. Experts suggest that so-called amyloid leads to the development of Alzheimer's disease. Already one risk factor alone increased the probability of accumulation of amyloid deposits by 88 percent, the experts write in their study.
Obesity doubles the likelihood of amyloid deposits
Obesity is a particularly strong risk factor for the formation of amyloid deposits. Obesity alone doubles the likelihood of amyloid deposits later in life, say the physicians. The sole risk factor obesity is very interesting, because just twenty years ago, obesity was not a big problem in society. This suggests that in twenty years' time, the general problem with Alzheimer's could be even worse, explain the scientists.
Physicians examine almost 350 subjects
For the current study, the researchers examined data from nearly 350 people. The heart health of the subjects was pursued since 1987 in the context of an ongoing study, explain the scientists. The average age of participants was 52 at the beginning of the study. Sixty percent of the subjects were women and 43 percent of the participants were African Americans. The average duration of follow-up examinations was almost 24 years, say the doctors.
Two decades later, the subjects were re-examined
None of them suffered from dementia when the participants started the study, study authors report. Two decades later, subjects were asked to undergo further examinations. Doctors examined the brain scans for signs of amyloid. The researchers discovered a link between cardiac risk factors and amyloid in the brain. The relationship did not vary among different ethnic groups or known genetic risk factors for Alzheimer's, the experts add. However, so-called cardiac risk factors, which did not develop until late in life, were not associated with amyloid deposits in the brain.
Why does the health of the blood vessels affect the risk of Alzheimer's?
The current study showed no cause-and-effect relationship. However, there are some theories as to why the health of a person's blood vessels could be linked to Alzheimer's. Blood and spinal fluid contain amyloid. Some experts suggest that unhealthy blood vessels could release the amyloid from the bloodstream into the brain tissue. Blood vessels also play a role in flushing out broken amyloid particles that occur in the brain of a human. If there are errors in the circulation, this could affect the deposition of amyloid in some way, the researchers say.
Maintaining health is a lifetime commitment
Hardened arteries can lead to strokes but apparently also to dementia and Alzheimer's, explains author Gottesman. Based on current knowledge, the expert advises to protect brain health by improving heart health. The sooner it starts, the better. "Do not wait until you're 60 years or older before you start taking care of your health. Maintaining health must be a life-long commitment, "the authors say. (As)