Study fat and sugar in pregnancy can lead to ADHD

Our diet naturally affects our health, as we have known for a long time. In pregnant women, however, the intake of food can also affect the health of the unborn child. Researchers have now found that pregnant women who eat high-carbohydrate and high-fat foods during pregnancy risk having their child more likely to have ADHD.
The scientists from the renowned Kings College London found in a study that an unhealthy diet high in fat and sugar during pregnancy can lead to the children being at increased risk of developing ADHD. The physicians published the results of their study in the journal "Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry".

The development of ADHD could start in the uterus
Previous research has found that children who eat unhealthy foods often increase the likelihood of developing behavioral problems (lying, aggressiveness). In addition, such children often develop an attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The new results show that this development can already begin in the uterus. This could be because a fatty and sweet diet mutates a gene that controls the development of the human brain, the scientists speculate. However, previous studies have shown that, for example, the intake of paracetamol during pregnancy increases the risk of ADHD.
Behavioral disorders and ADHD often occur together
The new investigation should be a wake-up call for physicians and politicians. It is important to educate the population about the importance of nutrition during pregnancy, explain the experts. In recent years, more and more children have been diagnosed with ADHD. Early onset behavioral problems and ADHD are the most prevalent mental health problems among children in the UK and US, say the study authors. Both of these problems usually occur together. More than 40 percent of children diagnosed with behavioral disorders also suffer from ADHD.
Researchers are studying the effect of diet on IGF2 gene
These mental health problems can be attributed to prenatal experiences, such as stress or poor nutrition, explain the physicians. The new study by Kings College London examined 83 children with early onset behavioral problems and 81 children with minor behavioral problems. Researchers tried to find out how mothers' diets changed the so-called IGF2 gene during pregnancy. IGF2 is involved in the fetal development and development of areas of the brain (cerebellum and hippocampus) that are associated with the development of ADHD, the experts explain.
Poor prenatal nutrition favors mutation of the IGF2 gene
Remarkably, a mutation of this gene has so far been found only in children of mothers who had to live through severe hunger and malnutrition in the Netherlands during the Second World War, say the physicians. The new results show that a poor prenatal diet is associated with an increased mutation of the IGF2 gene. This mutation, in turn, has been linked to a greater likelihood of ADHD symptoms between the ages of seven and 13, but only in children with early behavior problems, the researchers add.
Nutritional and epigenetic risk factors can be changed
A poor prenatal diet could be associated with higher levels of IGF2 methylation during pregnancy. Edward Barker of Kings College London. This finding highlights the crucial importance of a healthy diet during pregnancy. The results of the study suggest that a healthy prenatal diet leads to fewer ADHD symptoms and less behavioral problems in children. It is encouraging to see that our nutritional and epigenetic risk factors can be changed, the physician adds.
Omega-3 fatty acids are important for the development of the nervous system
We should now study certain types of foods to determine their impact on our nervous system. For example, omega-3 fatty acids from fish, nuts and chicken are extremely important for the development of our nervous system Barker.
Further future research is urgently needed to better understand epigenetic changes
For example, according to the researchers, certain dietary supplements in children may lead to lower ADHD likelihood. Therefore, it is important to examine the role of epigenetic changes in this process in future research. (As)