Study A dog keeps old people fit and healthier

Study A dog keeps old people fit and healthier / Health News
Dog owners move more and live healthier
Especially at an older age, many people have the problem that they just do not move enough. This can lead to health problems and obesity. Researchers now found that dog owners travel about 22 minutes more on foot each day than people without dogs. This means they spend less time sitting, resulting in improved health.

Researchers at the Glasgow Caledonian University found that dogs are not only wonderful companions for lonely people, but also motivate their owners to be more active. Dog owners walk about 22 minutes more per day. The physicians published the results of their study in the journal "BMC Public Health".

Dog walks cause dog owners to generally move more and be fitter compared to people without a dog. Through these effects, dog owners usually have better health and are less likely to suffer from certain diseases. (Image: upixa /

Dog owners are less lazy
Dogs are considered the best friend of humans. There could actually be more to this statement than one would expect. Dogs are cute, affectionate and faithful companions for their owners. Especially children like to play and cuddle with dogs. Dog owners have another big advantage: they move more, compared to people without dogs. Owning a dog leads to health benefits because its owners spend less time sitting, say the experts.

Dog owners move about 2,760 paces more per day
For their investigation, the researchers of the Glasgow Caledonian University equipped about 100 subjects over the age of 65 with so-called activity trackers. This allowed them to monitor the movements of the participants. "We found that dog owners walk about an extra 22 minutes a day," explains Dr. Philippa Dall. This corresponds to a distance of approximately 2,760 additional steps.

Walks with dogs can cover recommended amount of exercise by the WHO
Over the course of a week, the extra time that dog owners spend walking their dog may be enough to meet the World Health Organization's motion recommendations. These state that people should perform at least 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity per week Dall.

What negative effects does low-mobility behavior have on your health??
In addition to the extra steps of walking the dog, scientists also found that dog owners generally spend less time sitting than people without a dog. It is generally believed that sitting time can greatly affect health. In other words, sitting could lead to an increased likelihood of, for example, cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes, the authors of the study explain.

Doctors should advise older patients to buy a dog
The results of the current study show that physicians should encourage their older patients to acquire a dog if necessary. People without a dog can also easily accompany other dog owners on their walks with the dog, the scientists advise.

Dogs make people more active or active people often have a dog?
The Glasgow Caledonian University study is the first of its kind to use so-called fitness trackers to track activity and not rely on self-reported data from participants, the researchers say. Nonetheless, scientists have to admit that they can not say exactly whether owning a dog makes people more active or whether active people are generally more likely to own a dog. (As)