Study Dark Chocolate increases our eyesight

People see better by consuming dark chocolate
There are many people who like to eat chocolate regularly. For most people, taste is probably the main reason for consuming chocolate. Recently, however, there have been more and more statements that dark chocolate can also have beneficial effects on human health. Researchers have now found that consuming dark chocolate increases the eyesight of adults.
Is it really possible that consuming chocolate increases the visual clarity of adults? Scientists at the University of the Incarnate's Word Rosenberg School of Optometry in San Antonio found in their recent research that consuming dark chocolate leads to improved eyesight in adults. The physicians published the results of their study in the English-language journal "JAMA Opthalmology".

Small study included 30 subjects
For their study, scientists investigated the effect of consuming dark chocolate on the eyesight of 30 healthy adults. These subjects consisted of a total of nine men and 21 women. The participants were in an average age of 26 years. None of the subjects studied had a history of eye disease, the experts add. The participants had to take either dark chocolate or milk chocolate in two separate sessions. Two hours later, the subjects were then subjected to an eye test.
Dark chocolate improves the visual contrast sensitivity
The results of people consuming dark chocolate showed that there was an improvement in the visual contrast sensitivity of those affected compared to those who consumed milk chocolate. The visual contrast sensitivity describes the ability to read small and large letters at different contrasts, explain the scientists. In other words, by eating dark chocolate, participants achieved a slight improvement in visual acuity.
Why does dark chocolate improve visual acuity?
However, researchers were unable to pinpoint exactly why consuming dark chocolate can improve visual acuity. According to scientists, improving the retina, visual pathway and / or cerebral blood flow could help improve the bioavailability of oxygen and nutrients for metabolically active centers.
Even a small dose of dark chocolate leads to improvement
The results of the study show that even a single dose of dark chocolate improves the visibility of small, low-contrast targets in just two hours, compared to consuming milk chocolate, explain the physicians. However, the duration of this difference and the clinical relevance remains uncertain, the authors of the study explain.
Further research is needed
The research team believes that more research is needed to better understand the effects of consuming dark chocolate. However, it is already clear that dark chocolate is full of antioxidants. These are called so-called flavonoids. These flavonoids reduce inflammation, improve heart health and lead to better cognitive function, the researchers explain. In addition, another study found some time ago that dark chocolate works effectively against stress and inflammation. So, what are you waiting for? Now you should have enough excuses to justify your chocolate consumption, after all, it not only tastes very good, it also has a positive effect on our health. (As)