Study That's why breastfeeding is so important

Two research projects are investigating the positive aspects of breastfeeding. It has long been known that breast milk promotes the development of the child and better protects against infections. A large-scale study will now collect comprehensive data on breastfeeding frequency as well as factors influencing breastfeeding and nutrition in infants.

Breastmilk is the natural food for infants: easy to digest, hygienically flawless and properly tempered. Under the motto "Support Breastfeeding - Together!", This year's World Breastfeeding Week from 2 to 8 October 2017 calls for more support for breastfeeding women in our society. On this occasion, the National Breastfeeding Commission at BfR points to two new breastfeeding research projects in Germany. In the internationally linked project "Becoming Breastfeeding Friendly" (BBF), the current status of breastfeeding in Germany is comprehensively analyzed for the first time. One of the eight fields of action of this project examines the importance of the topic "breastfeeding" in the German media. In addition to this project, a follow-up project of the nationwide "SuSe" study ("Breastfeeding and Baby Nutrition"), which was carried out 20 years ago by the National Nursing Commission, will be launched. The large-scale study "SuSe II" collects comprehensive data on the frequency of breastfeeding as well as factors influencing the breastfeeding behavior and nutrition of infants.
The participants of this year's World Breastfeeding Week point out that a societal climate in which breastfeeding women feel valued and accepted is just as essential to breastfeeding as individual, expert support. Whether celebrity actresses, singers, sportswomen or politicians - all of them can publicly share their own breast-feeding experiences, expressing their appreciation vis-à-vis breastfeeding women and thus be a role model for many mothers. Breastfeeding as normal is the common goal.
The Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) has commissioned the "Healthy into Life" network and the National Breastfeeding Commission to carry out the project "Becoming Breastfeeding Friendly" (BBF) in cooperation with the University of Yale for Germany. One expert commission is investigating, among other things, how quiet Germany is. One focus here is the analysis of how German media reports on breastfeeding and to what extent and via which channels celebrities use publicity to promote breastfeeding. On the basis of the results, the Expert Commission proposes measures to make the social climate in Germany more tranquil.
Furthermore, the follow-up project proposed by the National Breastfeeding Commission recently launched the "SuSe" study conducted in 1997/1998. "SuSe II" should show if and how breastfeeding behavior and infant nutrition in Germany have developed since then. For this purpose, about 170 maternity hospitals and 1,500 mothers are interviewed. The two-year study is being conducted by the Research Unit for Child Nutrition (FKE) of the University Children's Hospital Bochum and funded by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL). The client is the German Nutrition Society (DGE). The research results are the basis for health and nutritional measures and are intended to facilitate practical, professional advice for young families on breastfeeding and baby feeding.