Study reveals addictiveness of the Internet

Worrying: Four percent of 14-16 year olds are internet dependent
A study on Internet addiction, commissioned by the Federal Government, reveals worrying figures. In the age group of 14- to 16-year-olds four percent are affected. In addition, the main risk groups include men, the unemployed, migrants and singles. The Drug Commissioner of the Federal Government, Mechthild Dyckmans (FDP), presented the results of the study in Berlin on Tuesday.
One percent of Germans suffers from Internet addiction
According to a study commissioned by the universities of Lübeck and Greifswald, one percent of Germans, 560,000 people between the ages of 14 and 64, depend on the Internet. Another 2.5 million Germans were also at risk, as they used the Internet for hours and disproportionately. „The Internet offers many advantages and is an indispensable part of our lives. But it also carries risks for people of all ages. These lose control, flee into a virtual world and neglect their social life“, Mechthild Dyckmans, Drug Commissioner of the Federal Government, reported on Tuesday at the launch of the study. „Young people and adults need to be strengthened in their media literacy in order to use the internet responsibly“, stressed Dyckmans.
For the nationwide representative survey, 15,000 people were randomly interviewed. It turned out that 1.7 percent of the unemployed over 25 years suffer from Internet dependence. For the working peers it is only 0.6 percent. Migrants are also among the main risk groups for Internet addiction, according to the study. These therefore have a much higher risk compared to Germans of German origin.
Teenagers are particularly at risk for internet addiction
According to the study, more than two percent of those aged 14 to 24 are affected. Even higher is the risk of Internet dependence among 14- to 16-year-olds, four percent of whom are considered addicted to the Internet. Experts believe that the numbers will rise in the future, especially among young people. According to the survey, more than three-quarters of the teenagers surveyed are predominantly on social networks such as Facebook. For the Drug Commissioner of the Federal Government, these figures speak a clear language: „It must be prevented that they continue to rise.“ The affected people laid the foundation of later behavior with their behavior already in their youth. Internet addiction leads in the further course to failure at school. Added to this is the neglect of real social contacts outside of online platforms. As adults, those affected also face the loss of employment due to addiction.
Dyckmans therefore calls for a better and more targeted education. This also includes better networking of counseling centers and more intensive training of local staff. It was necessary to educate the family and the school about preventive measures. „But the providers of computer games or social networks are also obliged to live up to their social responsibility by informing their users about the risks“, calls on the drug commissioner.
In Internet addiction of adolescents, the family is required
„As long as someone can reduce the excessive use of the Internet of their own free will, the use is only problematic“, said Hans-Jürgen Rumpf from the University of Lübeck. However, the transition to addiction is often fluid. Signs of addiction are the exclusive use of the Internet in everyday life and loss of control, but also withdrawal symptoms.
In the federal model project „Escapade“ Not only the young people but also their families are involved. According to Dyckmans, the results of the project show, „that families and especially parents have a great importance and can successfully influence, so that a dependency does not even arise“. In addition, parents would be responsible „to learn about the Internet and to be able to realistically assess its opportunities and dangers.“ at „Escapade“ It's all about joint counseling, explained Anne Kreft of Drogenhilfe Köln. A close contact between young people and family was „still the most successful prevention“.
First ambulance for Internet addiction opened
Since the beginning of October, the first ambulance for internet addiction has opened. Patients suffering from online gambling, cybersex or social networking symptoms can be treated at the Media Outpatient Clinic at the Bochum Department of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy at the LWL University Hospital. The head of the ambulance, dr. Bert Te Wildt, specialist in psychiatry, psychotherapy and addiction medicine, regrets that so far there are very few facilities like this for Internet addicts. In view of the steadily growing numbers of those affected, the previous offer that there are next to Bochum in Hamburg, Hanover, Cologne and Berlin is far from sufficient.
In the media outpatient clinic there are regular office hours. In addition, there are group therapeutic offers in which those affected learn to lead a real, fulfilled life outside the virtual world. In the context of the therapy the attraction of the Internet addiction is to be wiped out, in which consciously situations are generated, which provoke the addictive behavior. Accompanied by the therapists, those affected learn to control their urge to the Internet until it subsides.
Internet addiction is not recognized as a behavioral addiction
So far, internet addiction has not been recognized as a behavioral addiction by the World Health Organization (WHO). Since it is difficult to define scientifically, its official recognition as a separate disease in the world-wide diagnostic classification system of the WHO continues to be controversial. „In order for a specific treatment to take place, this question must be clarified by the responsible medical societies“, demands Dyckmans. „However, this presupposes that first the data on the distribution and symptoms of internet dependency is improved.“
Numerous doctors and therapists have long been pushing for the recognition of Internet addiction as a disease. They see a great dependency potential, especially in computer role-playing games. Thousands of people in online networks participate and can become addicted. This has now been scientifically proven, reports Te Wildt. He assumes that the number of patients will increase sharply in the future. (Ag)
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Drug commissioner warns of media dependence
Internet addiction: first media outpatient clinic in Bochum
560,000 Germans are addicted to the Internet
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Image: Dieter Schütz