Study Buchinger fasting is effective

The emotional and physical well-being is promoted by fasting, according to a study
A study on the effect of Buchinger's fasting cure has shown that the method is safe and therapeutically effective. It also promotes emotional and physical well-being.

The study was conducted in cooperation with the Buchinger Wilhelmi Clinic on Lake Constance with Prof. Dr. med. Andreas Michalsen from the University Hospital Charité Berlin. The data were evaluated by 1,422 fasting people (41% male, 59% female), who completed the Buchinger Wilhelmi fasting program in the clinic for 5, 10, 15 or 20 days in 2016.
In detail it could be proven:
Fasting mobilizes the energy stored in the fatty tissue of the human body. The metabolism switches from glucose to fat and ketone consumption, causing many beneficial effects. The metabolism change was documented in the study by the permanent presence of ketone bodies in the urine.
Fasting leads to significant weight loss, reduced waist circumference, and reduced cholesterol and lipid levels.
Further, fasting normalized fasting blood pressure and improved diabetes parameters such as blood glucose and HbA1c, thus improving many factors that contribute to cardiovascular health.
In addition, fasting improved serious health conditions in 84% of cases, including arthritis, type 2 diabetes as well as fatty liver and hypercholesterolemia, hypertension and fatigue.
93% of the subjects did not feel hungry during fasting, which contributed to their emotional and physical well-being.
The medically accompanied fasting showed few side effects such as restless sleep, headache, tiredness or discomfort of the lumbar spine. However, these could be treated easily and without interruption of fasting.
In summary, this particular fasting program has been shown to be a safe and well-tolerated approach to the prevention of age-related illnesses and treatment of chronic metabolic disorders, including weight issues. The study can be found here.