Study shows a lot of protein helps to lose weight

A lot of protein can help you lose weight: Scientists from the University of Copenhagen have found in the most comprehensive diet study that a diet rich in protein and low starch products and fat is best suited to reduce obesity or after a diet the yo-yo effect to avoid.
The researchers led by Thomas Meinert Larsen and Arne Astrup from the University of Copenhagen came to the conclusion in the so-called Diogenes study, an international European study, that a protein-containing diet while avoiding fat and starchy products for the reduction of obesity offers the best conditions. In their study, the scientists have monitored and studied 772 families with 938 adult members and 827 children from different European countries. To analyze the effects of diet on body weight, data from a subgroup of 773 overweight adults were analyzed. The researchers have their results in today's online edition of the journal „New England Journal of Medicine“ released. The optimal diet for reducing weight or keeping body weight after dieting, for example, was made up of lean meat, low-fat dairy, legumes and very few starchy products such as white bread or rice.
In the run-up to the actual study, participants were prescribed a strict eight-week diet that restricted their energy intake to 800 kilocalories a day. As a result, the subjects lost an average of 11 kilograms of body weight. Then the actual study started and the researchers looked more closely at the effects of diet on body weight. The study participants were each one of five different low-fat diet variants prescribed, after which they should align the next six months of their diet. Subsequently, the researchers compared the body measurements and weight recorded with the data taken after the six-month diet before starting the study.
Among the five different diet variants, the researchers also considered the so-called glycemic index (GI) of foods. Introduced in the 1980s as part of diabetes research, the Glycemic Index reports the blood sugar-enhancing effects of carbohydrates or foods in numbers. Very starchy carbohydrate-containing foods, which cause a rapid or high blood sugar increase, have a high GI. For low-carbohydrate foods, which only slightly increase blood sugar levels when consumed, experts on the other hand speak of a low GI. For example, potatoes have a high GI, wholegrain bread, a low. The five different diets varied mainly in protein content and GI, as the scientists in „New England Journal of Medicine“ to report.
After six months of dieting, the average weight gain among participants in all groups was around 0.5 kilograms. The individual results of the different diet variants clearly showed that a diet high in protein, ie. H. Twenty-five percent of the energy was derived from protein, while the lowest GI would be best for avoiding an increase in body weight. In contrast, the group of study participants who ate low protein (only 13 percent of protein intake) and high-GI foods had the worst results, the researchers said in the latest release. The differences in the weight gain of the two diet groups mentioned averaged just under two kilograms, as the researchers emphasized and, in addition, the subjects appeared to have coped better with the protein-rich diet. Because in the group with the strong protein-containing diet only about 25 percent of the participants would have stopped the diet, whereas in the groups with low protein in the diet 37 percent of the subjects broke the diet before the expiration of the six months.
Contrary to the European guidelines for optimal diet in the context of a diet, the current study comes to the conclusion that in order to avoid overweight primarily a protein-containing diet with low GI is suitable. So far, the EU has many carbohydrates, so bread and rice, but low meat recommended as particularly suitable for a diet. In order to effectively counter the advancing overweight epidemic, the scientists around Thomas Meinert Larsen and Arne Astrup now demand that the guidelines urgently be revised and the current study results must be considered.
In natural medicine, there are numerous methods to lose unnecessary weight. A variant is losing weight through acupuncture. However, acupuncture does not replace diet and lifestyle habits, but it can support them. Another variant is "Fletching", which is about chewing and tasting food with full concentration. (Fp)
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