Study proves easter eggs are healthy

Are eggs healthy or dangerous due to the high cholesterol content?
Easter is just around the corner and traditionally eaten on Ostertage next to all kinds of sweets and tons of colorful Easter eggs. But could the consumption of chicken eggs affect the health of the human organism? It is true that eggs contain a lot of cholesterol. Ultimately, it is important to know if cholesterol is also reflected in human cholesterol. But in turn.
Make eggs thick?
A study by the Biomedical Research Center at Baton Rouge, Louisiana, has monitored the weight and cholesterol levels of 152 overweight patients for 8 weeks. During the study, subjects were given different diets. One part could eat everything and the other part had to follow a prescribed diet. The one diet group got an egg for breakfast and the other a bagel. Both foods contain about 340 calories and provide about the same amount of energy. The result was clear: only the participants of the two diet groups took findings. But those who consumed an egg in the morning lost 65 percent more weight and about 35 percent more belly circumference than those who ate a bagel in the morning.
Eggs are healthy!
Eggs contain many valuable nutrients. After all, an egg should be able to feed a developing organism. In addition to many proteins, eggs also contain various B vitamins. In particular, the B vitamins lutein and zeaxanthin should be mentioned here. These two vitamin B substances have a positive effect on the eyesight in humans. Eggs can also have a positive effect on the baby during pregnancy. Eggs contain a lot of folic acid and choline. And who would have thought, eggs provide about 40 times more vitamin D than cow's milk.
Researchers at the Berlin Charité have also found that eggs have a high proportion of carotenoids. Carotenoids are natural dyes and act as so-called "radical scavengers". Carotenoids offer a healthy protection against cancer and can have a preventative effect. Organic eggs should have twice the amount of carotenoids.
And what about the cholesterol level?
The egg yolk contains ten percent fat and one gram of cholesterol. But researchers point out that eggs do not burden the human cholesterol level. "Obviously, eggs can do a lot to help a calorie-restricted diet succeed," says research director Nikhil Dhurandhar from the Biomedical Research Center. Because the blood lipid levels of the subjects of the diet test were about the same.
Eggs did not show any negative effects on cholesterol levels in the test. Because if too much cholesterol enters the body via the food supply, the body automatically reduces the production of cholesterol. The metabolism expert Bruce Griffin at the University of Surrey in England made the following comparison: "A hamburger is five times more harmful to the blood cholesterol than an egg." The decisive factor is the proportion of saturated fats. These fats are much more dangerous for cholesterol. Instead of avoiding eggs, it is better to avoid junk food as much as possible, not to smoke and do sports. This is the only way to lower blood lipid levels. One egg every day and two at Easter, your body will thank you. (sb, 01.04.2010)
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