Study More deaths in heat and cold

More deaths in heat and cold
A new study confirms what previous studies have shown: in hot and cold, the number of deaths from cardiovascular disease increases. For example, high temperatures increase the risk of thrombosis, and at low temperatures increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes.
Number of deaths increases due to heat and cold
A new study confirms that the number of deaths in Germany is rising in cold and hot weather. Already other studies and statistics had supplied appropriate references. Together with her colleagues Alexandra Schneider from the Institute of Epidemiology at the Helmholtz Zentrum München evaluated data from about 188,000 cardiovascular deaths in Munich, Nuremberg and Augsburg between 1990 and 2006. The scientists published their findings in the journal „Heart“.
Especially elderly people affected
According to the study, the number of cardiovascular deaths increased by 9.5 percent and 7.9 percent, respectively, with an increase in temperature from 20 to 25 degrees and a decrease from minus 1 to minus 8 degrees , The effects of the heat lasted one to two days and the cold even up to two weeks. Especially the elderly were affected. These effects were especially clear for the mortality due to heart failure, cardiac arrhythmias and strokes, it says in a dpa report.
Increased risk of thrombosis at high temperatures
High temperatures can thus, among other things, alter the blood clotting and make the blood more viscous. Among other things, this increases the risk of thrombosis. On the other hand, the blood pressure is influenced by significant temperature decreases. „These findings are important in order to be able to develop or adapt prevention programs and behavioral recommendations“, so Dr. Alexandra Schneider.
Blood pressure increased at low temperatures
The Federal Association of Established Cardiologists (BNK) has in the past pointed to an increased risk of complications such as heart attack, stroke or circulatory disturbances of the heart in cold weather. According to the experts, low blood pressure automatically increases blood pressure as the blood vessels contract to regulate temperature. People with high blood pressure or underlying diseases such as coronary heart disease or arteriosclerosis are therefore especially careful in the cold months. (Ad)