Study autism already detectable in babies

Autism can already be detected in babies
Autism could only be diagnosed from the age of about two years. Now scientists from Birkbeck College in London have published a study in which they have been able to detect autism in babies. Whether an early therapy is possible, but remains questionable.
Brain currents reveal attachments to autism
According to the British study, in the current issue of the journal „Current Biology“ was published, researchers have been able to prove equipment for autism at the age of six and ten months. So far, investigations at least two years could provide information about the according to the World Health Organization (WHO) referred to as profound developmental disorder disease. Mark Johnson, head of the study, nevertheless expressed skepticism about whether the results are sufficient to begin treatment earlier.
For the study, 104 babies were examined, half of whom had sibling with autism and thus an increased likelihood of the disease. The scientists took measurements of the brain waves while showing the babies pictures with faces. As autistics usually avoid eye contact, it was to be expected that the subjects looked away with appropriate equipment. This was also done by measuring the brain waves, which showed that children with autism equipment had significantly lower rashes when looking at or looking away.
Johnson pointed out that the test was not one hundred percent meaningful, because some children should have been classified as autistic, but the suspicions were not confirmed later. The study director advises further investigations.
Is autism curable?
Autism is a profound developmental disorder that is considered incurable. Due to the perception and information processing disorder of the brain, affected persons are not or only partially able to act socially, depending on their severity. This manifests itself particularly in contact with their fellow human beings, because they have limitations in the area of non-verbal communication as well as in the ability to build informal relationships. In addition, autistic individuals often come across stereotyped behaviors. Children who are affected at an early age often develop no phonetic language or are noticed by delays in speech development.
The cause of autism is still unknown. Accordingly, there is no drug with this indication so far. Concomitant symptoms such as anxiety, depression and aggressiveness can be treated with antidepressants or atypical neuroleptics. Other measures, which may include behavioral therapy, social skills training, occupational therapy and speech therapy, can also help.
The „Center for Disease Control“ (CDC) announced in 2010 that the number of autistic people is increasing significantly. So it should have come between 2002 and 2006 to an increase of 57 percent. Some experts suspect a link between environmental toxins or vaccine additives and the disease, but so far this has not been proven. (Ag)
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Picture: Anna-martha