Study oyster mushrooms lower elevated blood lipid levels

Eliminate high cholesterol levels by oyster mushrooms
Many people have problems with their cholesterol levels, which can lead to further health problems in the long term. Here oyster mushrooms are to help against the increased blood lipid levels, reports the news agency „dpa“ citing the Federation of German champignon and mushroom growers. The natural ingredients of the mushrooms would contribute to lowering the cholesterol level.
With elevated cholesterol, oyster mushroom consumption is reported by the news agency „dpa“quite helpful because the contained natural statins cause a lowering of blood fat levels. Normally, statins would be prescribed as a drug to lower cholesterol levels. In subjects with elevated cholesterol levels eating oyster mushroom or tomato soup, a study at Leibniz University Hannover showed that in the first group the amount of harmful LDL cholesterol in the blood was significantly reduced, whereas in the tomato soup group there were no changes occurred, so the message of „dpa“ citing the Federation of German champignon and mushroom growers.
Lowering blood lipid levels
The fungal statins in the study have only influenced the blood fat levels above the normal range, subjects with a normal cholesterol level showed no changes, the news agency reported „dpa“ continue. In addition, "the fungi have stimulated the activity of the liver and bile, causing the body to have excreted more cholesterol and to lower blood cholesterol". Overall, "oyster mushrooms therefore have a very positive effect on blood lipid levels." (Fp)
Picture: w.r.wagner