Study antibiotics allocation declined sharply

Doctors rarely prescribe antibiotics
The prescription of antibiotics in Germany has dropped significantly over the past 5 years. However, experts warn against the increasing, due to an intensive use of antibiotics triggered spread of resistant bacteria.
In the past 5 years, patients have been prescribed much less antibiotics by the general practitioners in Germany than in previous years. According to the central institute (Zi) of the Kassenärztlichen supply, there has been a noticeable decrease in the administration and prescription of antibiotics, especially in paediatricians. On the other hand, the development of reserve antibiotics, which should normally be used exclusively for the treatment of particularly resistant bacterial strains, is a cause for concern.
Increasing resistance to bacterial strains
Their increasing spread in hospitals, old people's homes and medical practices is being watched with great concern, as resistant bacteria significantly limit treatment options. In such cases, reserve antibiotics are often the ultima ratio, but unfortunately not always. The reasons for the increasing number of resistant bacterial strains are above all the over-prescription of antibiotics and their use in the animal fattening.
Development in view of the resistance problem positive
The basis of the study are the drug prescriptions of medical practices between 2008 and 2012. Thus, according to the study „Significant declining trends in the prescription of antibiotics“ emerged. However, there are both age-related and regional differences. Thus, the proportion of children who have been prescribed antibiotics dropped below 37.6 percent. „In view of the resistance problem, this development is extremely positive“, emphasizes Mandy Schulz, the co-authors of the study of the Zi. Of the Kassenärztlichen supply.
The study rated the development of the over seventy-year-old similarly positively. However, the experts acknowledge that the fact that only the drug prescriptions of the general practitioners were used for the evaluation and that the antibiotics prescribed in hospitals did not take into account could have falsified the result. In the age group 15-69, however, there are hardly any changes in the administration of antibiotics.
In addition to the age-related differences, the study also highlights the regional ones. The Saarland and Rhineland - Palatinate mark the „High score“ in the prescriptions of antibiotics by physicians in private practice, while in the new federal states rather sparing with corresponding prescriptions is handled. But there are also differences in the West, so Bavaria and Schleswig Holstein are relatively well there.
On the other hand, the increasing prescription of so-called reserve antibiotics is a cause for concern. Here, doctors see a need for action despite a significant decline in the use, since the excessive prescription of these antibiotics should be responsible for the formation of multidrug-resistant bacterial strains. (Jp)
Picture: Wilhelmine Wulff