Study fear of Hartz IV makes you sick

According to a study by the Techniker Krankenkasse, concern about the descent from unemployment benefit I to Hartz IV makes me sick.
(27.05.2010) According to a study by the Techniker Krankenkasse (TK), concerns about the descent from unemployment benefit I to Hartz IV (ALG II) are becoming ill. Since the introduction of the labor market reform Hartz IV, the rate of sickness benefits for unemployment benefit recipients has steadily increased by 28 percent. Thus, every jobseeker I subscribers is ill on average 22.5 days a year. It is striking that especially in the field of mental illness (depression, anxiety), the sickness rate has risen dramatically. Accordingly, the proportion rose due to mental stress by 44 percent.
Social and charitable organizations are primarily responsible for the fear of social decline. Thus Ulrich Schneider told the newspaper "Bild": "The emotional pressure is enormous and makes the unemployed and their families ill". Michael Pausder from the social association VdK sees a direct connection. "The figures show once again that the fear of Hartz IV makes sick, especially the concern about social decline and poverty play a major role," says Pausder. After one year unemployment benefit I reference follows for most humans the unemployment benefit II (Hartz IV) reference. This will also change financial aid and requirements for the unemployed. (Gr)