Study allergy risk for autumn babies

Allergy for fall babies: Children who are in the womb during allergies are at an increased risk of allergies.
For the first time, a study has shown that children born in the autumn months have an increased risk of allergy compared to children born in other months. Thus, it could be proven that the risk of allergy apparently depends on the time of pregnancy and conception.
If infants in the womb are exposed to elevated allergy levels in the first three months of pregnancy, they are more susceptible to later allergies. According to the researchers, the researchers believe that the increase in pollen count in the fall months is responsible, as the researchers from the Finnish University of Oulu report in the journal "Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health".
During the course of the study, the researchers examined a total of 5920 children born between the years 2001 and 2006 in Finland. In 961 children at the age of 4 years skin allergy test was made. Ten percent of the children born in the autumn months responded positively to the test. It was noticeable that twice as many children are positive about the test than those who were born in other months such as July or August. The autumn children reacted especially to milk and eggs.
High allergy stimuli during the eleventh week of pregnancy
But what could be the reason for the increased allergy levels? The scientists suspect that the affected babies in the eleventh week of pregnancy in April and May were exposed to a very high concentration of allergy stimuli. In the 11th week of pregnancy unborn children are particularly susceptible to external influences. In addition, all essential body structures are formed in the first weeks. However, children who were in the eleventh week of pregnancy in December or January have very low scores. In these winter months, the allergy stimuli are lowest, for example, by pollen. (sb, 21.10.2010)
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