Study All medicines for cough are as good as useless

Can you save the cough syrup?
The clear efficacy of anticoagulant drugs has not been demonstrated in six clinical trials. While there are many different drugs on the market that are thought to help against cough, such as codeine, salbutamol, and gelatin, in a recent analysis, scientists from more than 700 subjects found that no agent tested has any clear benefit to the cure brings.
The research team around Dr. Lars G. Hemkens from the University of Basel analyzed six clinical studies involving a total of 724 patients with a subacute cough, a cough that usually lasts for 3 to 8 weeks and, in most cases, heals on its own. Against such cough, cough medications are often prescribed, the benefits of which are not detectable, as the researchers found. The study results were recently published in the journal "British Journal of General Practice".

No tested cough medicine was convincing
"None of the treatments evaluated showed significant benefit in the cure of subacute cough," the researchers said in a press release on the study findings. Common medicines and natural remedies that are commonly prescribed for cough in Europe and North America have been tested. The effectiveness of remedies from traditional Chinese medicine has not been studied.
Devastating judgment
Seven drugs were screened by the Basel research team, including montelukast, salbutamol plus, ipratropium bromide, gelatin, fluticasone propionate, budesonide, opioids and codeine. The shocking verdict: "The results show that none of the treatments clearly helped cure the cough." For all participants, cough symptoms disappeared with and without treatment. Two studies indicate a small benefit of the drugs over placebo. Otherwise, according to the researchers, the funds are useless.
Cough is one of the most common reasons for going to the doctor
The team around Dr. Lars G. Hemkens wants to enlighten those affected and the general public. "Coughing is one of the most common reasons for a doctor's visit," write the experts at the University of Basel. In addition to a general impairment of quality of life, coughing is often associated with the fear of suffering from a serious illness such as cancer. According to the researchers, patients are demanding a drug for treatment, although many physicians do not recommend it.
Study leader is against cough medications
"We currently do not see any treatment based on our investigation that has clear benefits for patients," Dr. Hemkens the study results. Due to certain methodological limitations in the studies used, however, no generalizability for all cough diseases is possible.
Four billion dollars in sales
As reported by the Basel researchers, sales of cough medicines worldwide amount to four billion dollars. At present there is a veritable over-treatment of cough. The experts at the University of Basel suggest that physicians should take the time to better educate patients on coughing to reduce excessive cough medication. Maybe one should rely better on natural home remedies for cough instead. (Vb)