Falls, electric shock, cut off fingers Right first aid home improvement injuries

Millions of Germans are always home improvement. The activities can be dangerous. Every year, hundreds of thousands are killed in their own homes. Sometimes the ladder slips away, sometimes you hit your thumb with the hammer. Typical handyman injuries include cuts, falls and bruises. Experts know what to do then.
Around 300,000 handyman accidents per year
A visit to the hardware store revealed: Many Germans are apparently do-it-yourself supporters. Whether wallpaper, re-flow the bathroom or paint the walls: Especially men are passionate handyman. Unfortunately, accidents often happen, according to experts, around 300,000 per year. With the right protection, injuries can often be avoided, but not completely ruled out. Experts know what to do if accidents happen while working at home.

Many overestimate their skills
Unfortunately, some do-it-yourselfers overestimate their skills. The consequences are accidents and injuries. Risk factors are also a bad time planning, which leads to hectic and wrong tool, explained Susanne Woelk of the action The Safe House in Hamburg in a message from the news agency dpa. "At the top are injuries with sharp and pointed objects, such as knives and screwdrivers, which are used improperly," write the experts of the action in a booklet.
Accidents due to falls
"They are followed by falls, for example, from ladders or household items such as chairs or boxes that are used abusively. On the floor standing bucket or across the work surface laid cables lead again and again to accidents by tripping, slipping and kinking, "it says further. Also operating errors, misuse of equipment and lack of concentration are not to be underestimated accident causes. In the agency message, experts provide information about what do-it-yourselfers should do if something goes wrong.
A slipped hammer causes hellish pain
If the hammer slips off and a finger is hit instead of the nail head, the damaged finger should first be cooled. If it is not visibly broken, according to Florian Gebhard, president of the German Society for Trauma Surgery in Berlin, one should wait one to two hours. If the pain does not diminish or even increase in time, it is best to consult a doctor. "This may indicate a broken phalanx," says the expert. Bruising under the nail can also be extremely painful. They often need to be drained by needle.
When attaching the lamp forget the fuse
For example, if the fuse is forgotten when installing the ceiling light, it is very fast that you get an electric shock. According to Heribert Brück, spokesman for the Association of Established Cardiologists, the pain is comparable to the one that radiates after a blow on the musician's bone in the elbow. When the current enters the hand, it usually flows over the body to the foot and out there - the heart also flows through it.
"This can lead to dangerous arrhythmias," said Brück, "but it does not have to". That depends on which phase of the heartbeat the current is flowing. If you are dizzy, feeling lethargic, or becoming black, you should seek medical attention.
In case of electric shock sometimes the emergency doctor has to be called
Life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias can also be delayed. However, if you feel directly after an electric shock symptoms such as rapid heart rate, heart stumbling, shortness of breath or chest cramps, according to experts, the rescue service must be called immediately. The same applies to other extreme complaints or fainting.
Evidence of an injured nerve
If you slip off when cutting cardboard with the craft knife, blood quickly seeps out of a deep cut. According to accident surgeon Gebhard, such an incision can be critical especially on the hands and feet because there are many nerves and tendons in these areas of the body that can be damaged. Therefore, one should observe the areas around the wound after stopping the bleeding.
If the finger tingles or feels as if he has fallen asleep, this is a warning sign. "Then a nerve could be injured." The physician emphasized that sufferers, especially with cuts on the extremities should prefer to go to the hospital too often. However, superficial wounds in areas with more fatty tissue and fewer nerves and tendons such as the thigh are less critical.
Separated phalanx must not come into direct contact with ice
In extreme cases, it can also happen that when working on the circular saw suddenly a part of the finger is missing. Then it is time to act quickly, stop the bleeding at the stump with a pressure bandage and dry pack the phalanx in a plastic bag. According to Gebhard, this bag comes in another plastic bag, which is filled with cold water and a little ice. The phalanx should by no means come into direct contact with ice. "The cells can freeze. The finger is dead then, "said the expert.
Painful bruises
If a heavy objects falling on body parts in do-it-yourself, and the place swells, apply as in injuries in sports the so-called PECH rule, Brück said. The abbreviation stands for pause, ice, compression (C for the English word compression) and, if appropriate, lofting.
If the swelling is superficial and easily visible, it is usually harmless. However, bruising may result in compartment syndrome in deeper swellings that enter the muscle, explained Brück. Then the muscle is less perfused, in the worst case, even threatens paralysis.
In the thoracic and abdominal area, swelling can also cause more damage because of the surrounding organs. According to the cardiologist, patients who still have pain after two days should see a doctor.
Spinal injury after fall
Falls are also high on the injury in the household. As Gebhard explained, the injury patterns in a ladder crash are different. Some get a laceration on their heads, others break their wrists. With the worst it can be when you hit unchecked on your back. If severe pain then arises, the ambulance should be called immediately according to Gebhard. "Spinal injuries can not be felt."
Those affected should not get up at the same time after the fall, but collect briefly and listen to their body. The physician advised to call someone who looks conscientiously from the outside. If necessary, he can also provide first aid. (Ad)