Electric shock at the supermarket cashier? Four-year-old boy in Hamburg dies in the shopping market

In Hamburg, there was a tragic incident in a supermarket. A four-year-old, who was shopping there with his father, was suddenly lifeless on the floor according to media reports. A rushed emergency doctor could no longer save the boy. The father stated that his son had previously been electrocuted at the till.
Four-year boy dies at supermarket checkout
A tragic accident occurred in Hamburg's Harburg district a few weeks ago: a four-year-old boy, who was shopping with his father, suddenly fell lifeless to the ground at the supermarket checkout. A rushed ambulance tried to save the life of the little boy - in vain. The incident reported by the "Bild" newspaper already occurred on May 31, but has only just become public. Although it is still unclear why it came to the drama, but according to the report, the father of the child stated that the boy at the checkout of the market got an electric shock. The head of the supermarket told the "picture" about the death: "I can not explain that." According to the information, the homicide is now bring light into the dark. Nana Frombach, spokeswoman for the prosecution, told the newspaper, "We're also considering the possibility of the boy being electrocuted."

For immediate complaints, call ambulance
Electric shock can have dramatic consequences for people. For example, life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias may occur, sometimes resulting in ventricular fibrillation. Then the heart beats so fast that it no longer effectively pumps blood into the circulation. The result can be a cardiovascular arrest. In addition, there is a risk that the current tightens the pulmonary muscles, which in the worst case leads to respiratory arrest. Health experts advise you to go to the doctor after an electric shock, even if you're supposed to be fine.
Cardiac arrhythmias can also occur late. However, if you experience symptoms such as rapid heartbeat, heart-stomping, shortness of breath or chest cramps immediately after an electric shock, emergency medical care must be called immediately. (Ad)