Estrogen-free help with gynecological disorders

Estrogen-free help against climacteric complaints.
(31.05.2010) Black Cohosh (Latin Cimicifuga racemosa) came to us from America. North American Indian women have traditionally used the medicinal plant for gynecology. In Germany, modern Cimicifuga extracts are used as an effective remedy for climacteric complaints. However, recent research shows that certain Cimicifuga extracts could help not only women but also men.
The most annoying side effects of menopause include neurovegetative and mental complaints. Many women complain of decreased performance, hot flashes, sweats, sleep disorders and mood swings in this difficult period of life. The previously recommended hormone treatment with estrogen helps against it, but is associated with an increased risk of breast and uterine cancer. Extracts from Cimicifuga, as studies show, do not pose such risks.
Cimicifuga is not a vegetable estrogen. The effect of ethanolic Cimicifuga extracts is rather based on their influence on the neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine. The results of Dr. med. Dana Seidlová-Wuttke from the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics of the University of Göttingen. Thus, while estrogens can lead to unwanted growth of the endometrium or breast tissue, Cimicifuga extracts are free of such consequences. The Göttingen scientist has also been able to show in animal experiments and in clinical studies that Cimicifuga extracts have a positive influence on bone and therefore counteract the dreaded bone loss (osteoporosis).
Surprising are new findings on a possible effect of Cimicifuga extracts on the man. Seidlová-Wuttke, that certain Cimicifuga preparations could also be effective in the prevention and treatment of age-related changes in the prostate. The scientist suspects that the substance is similar to an aromatase or 5-alpha reductase inhibitor. To confirm this, however, further investigations are necessary. (KFN 9/2010)