Preventing stress Practice relaxation with children

Preventing stress: Relaxing with children
Children can playfully learn how to relax with the help of sponges and grimaces. Parents should train with their offspring exercises to prevent stress. This can also prevent further health problems.
Teach children relaxation techniques early on
Parents can teach their offspring early relaxation techniques. Ingo Spitczok from Brisinski of the Professional Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy in Germany (BKJPP) advises according to a dpa report that they should do this best playful. As an example, the progressive muscle relaxation (also called progressive muscle relaxation) is given. This successively different body parts are first tense and then relaxed again. In the case of the children, this could then look like being told to imagine expressing a sponge when it should tighten the hand. And if the face is to be tense, it should make a face.
Children under tension
Basically, it is important that the child continues to breathe quietly and does not hold his breath. In addition, it is better if the relaxation training initially takes no longer than a quarter of an hour. It also states that the sooner people exercise a relaxed attitude, the more sustainable it can even become part of the personality. In addition, a healthy handling of stress protects a little before later misconduct, which can ultimately lead to alcohol abuse or psychosomatic diseases. Among other things, by aggressiveness, fears, lack of concentration, inner restlessness and nervousness shows whether children are under tension. In addition, physical complaints such as abdominal pain, headache or sleep disorders are possible.
Relaxation exercises to reduce stress
In addition to the progressive muscle relaxation, there are other relaxation exercises that serve to reduce stress. Autogenic training or yoga, which is explicitly offered to children in different cities, is widespread. A good approach is also a new initiative of the AOK, which was announced a few months ago. Within the framework of the health program, day care centers nationwide are to be supported in order to playfully introduce children of three to six years to the topic of health, whereby, among other things, yoga is planned for the little ones. (Ad)
Picture: twinlili