Stress One in three forgets to drink

Every third person forgets stress when they are stressed.
(23.08.2010) Every third person forgets due to stress drinking. But that can damage your health and contribute to the dehydration of the body.
According to a survey by the opinion and research institute Forsa on behalf of the Techniker Krankenkasse, one in three people forget about drinking when they are stressed. For employees, the problem is even more common, even four out of ten professionals forget to drink regularly. But especially in mental and physical efforts, the body needs a lot of fluid to remain efficient. To prevent dehydration of the body, adults should drink at least 1.5 liters per day. If the weather is warm in the summer, people should even drink a lot more, because sweating causes a lot of fluid to be expelled. That's why you should drink at least 2 to 3 liters in summer. The liquid (preferably water) should not be drunk all at once, but spread throughout the day. As a rule of thumb, at least a glass of water or fruit juice spritzer per hour.
But under stress, many people forget to drink. They focus only on their task. The result: The brain lacks important minerals such as magnesium and phosphate. The efficient decreases, the concentration decreases significantly. Many then experience dizziness, headaches and tiredness. If the dehydration continues, new stress is created for the body.
But what to do if the stress in everyday life is getting out of hand? But the solution is quite simple, as the Techniker Krankenkasse reports. Before starting work, put a bottle of water and a glass on the desk. So you can not forget drinking even during stress situations. Suitable drinks are water, juice spritzers and herbal tea. People should refrain from alcohol and coffee as much as possible during their work. Because these drinks deprive the body more fluid and burden the human organism even more. (Sb)
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