Stress in the job leads to a heart attack

DAK Health Report: High risk of heart attack due to office stress
In western industrialized countries, although the number of those who die of heart attacks decreases, this is primarily due to improved diagnosis and treatment options. In addition, nicotine consumption has declined significantly, especially among men. For a long time hospital stays due to heart attack no longer decline. According to the current DAK health report, office stress is one of the key factors for a high risk of heart attack.
The heart also suffers from depression and burnout
Due to the ever-increasing pressure in the workplace, the heart suffers. Medical professionals therefore warn against too much stress in professional life. This leaves the heart attack rate significantly higher. Every year, according to the health report, more than 207,000 heart attacks occur in Germany. The DAK-Health-Chef Prof. dr. Herbert Rebscher considers it very likely that the growing psychosocial burden in the professional lives of many workers is responsible for heart attacks. Also the new technology, to which the mobile Internet counts, could belong to the causes. „Here are the first consequences to draw“, reminds Rebscher. He believes that mental illnesses such as depression or the burnout syndrome have to be taken more seriously. „We have to look at what preventive, preventative and preventive measures are.“ For some time now, research has proven that depression increases the risk of heart attack by 60 to 100 percent. So far, doctors and politicians have warned against the dangers of alcohol, smoking, hypertension, overweight, physical inactivity and diabetes. Mental stress and disturbances have so far been largely ignored in the debates and in the information campaigns.
Norbert Smetak, Federal Chairman of the Federal Association of Established Cardiologists in Munich adds: „Among other things, the heart rate and blood pressure increase during stress, releasing the stress hormones epinephrine and cortisol.“ Due to the high hormone levels deposits in the coronary arteries could be burst and cause an acute myocardial infarction.
In a myocardial infarction, which is colloquially called heart attack, the sufferers usually notice a more than 20 minutes of severe chest pain. Often, the pain radiates in the shoulders, lower jaw, arms and upper abdomen. This is sometimes accompanied by cold sweat, dizziness and dizziness. The symptoms can also be very atypical. Often women do not notice a myocardial infarction because the cardinal symptom is abdominal pain. Survival rates depend on age, general health and rapid emergency medical care. About 50 percent die before arriving at a clinic as a result of an infarction.
Survey on the relationship between work stress and heart attack
To investigate whether there is a context between a heart attack and the world of work, the fund has started a representative survey of 3,000 workers. The experts came to a surprising conclusion. Due to ongoing media coverage and policy debates, many assume that the health of employees is poor. However, only one in ten (9.3 percent) said that he suffered from a so-called gratification crisis. This crisis describes occupational stress resulting from poor recognition and low pay. A gratification crisis shows accordingly, if „Employees the reward is no longer in proportion to their effort“. Research has shown that there is a high risk of heart attack for those affected by this type of crisis. „The greater self-determination and design possibilities in the workplace, the less the problem arises“, explains Rebscher at the presentation of the DAK Report. Above all, skilled workers and workers suffer with a share of a good 11.2 percent and 10.8 percent of the phenomenon. It exists „Need for action in the companies“, warns therefore the health expert.
Time pressure and stress burden people
One in five said in the survey that they feel burdened by the time pressure and workload. Ten percent said that the required overtime is perceived as stressful. The DAK suspects that the growing psychosocial demands are related to the increasing number of sick leave due to mental illness. „In view of the aging workforces, there is a particular risk potential for cardiovascular diseases here“, said Rebscher. 22.2 percent complain about a lack of balance between pay and work performance. This too leads to stress symptoms. 17 percent say that the bosses give them too little recognition and 15 percent experience their work situation due to actual and feared deterioration as a heavy burden.
Taking work home makes heart attack risk rise
One third of the participants said they would take the work home. Especially the non-switching off and taking away activities turns out to be a significant risk factor for heart attacks. A key factor is that many workers take their work home because they can no longer do the jobs. Who, for that reason, the work activities on the domestic „Home Office“ also has a twice as high risk for a mismatch of effort and reward. Therefore, those affected are at a higher risk of myocardial infarction. But if you take work home with you, for example, in order to better reconcile family and work, you have a low risk, because working is made more pleasant.
Those who find themselves in a gratification crisis assess their own state of health much worse than others. 50 percent more than others said they were in worse health. In addition to self-assessment, the health status in reality is actually worse. Many of those affected suffer from mood swings, fears or helplessness. Headache and sleep disorders are about twice as common compared to others. Instead of becoming aware of his own situation, „Do not worry more about your health than other employees“, explains Rebscher. The companies should be with one „corporate health management“ counteract, demands the health expert. The health insurance would like to help. (Sb)
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