Overcoming stress A short breathing exercise helps

Overcoming stress A short breathing exercise helps / Health News
Relaxation: During holiday stress, the three-minute breathing exercise helps
Finally holiday season! Unfortunately, the time before the long-awaited vacation often means additional stress. Ongoing projects have to be handed over to colleagues, suitcases have to be packed and the supply of plants has to be organized. To counteract the pressure, a few short breathing exercises are recommended. These can contribute to relaxation.

Stressful time around the holidays
Finally summer break! The expectations of the upcoming holiday are usually great, but the days before the trip are often particularly stressful. Ongoing projects must be handed over to colleagues and travel arrangements made. Flights and hotels have to be booked, the suitcases packed and the supply of pets and plants organized. "The time around the summer vacation can quickly turn into stress," said the Chairman of Mindfulness Association MBSR-MBCT, Günter Hudasch, in a statement.

Pack your bags, organize flower-making, house your pets: The time spent on vacation is often stressful. Can then help breathing exercises. (Image: Robert Kneschke / fotolia.com)

Three-minute breathing exercise helps
But if the problems can not be solved quickly, you will not find anyone who takes care of the flowers or the suitcases are too small. According to the expert, a three-minute breathing exercise that can be used again and again in everyday life and on vacation will help , According to Hudash, it is about consciously perceiving thoughts, feelings and bodily sensations, keeping your attention on your breath and trying to stay in the present moment. The body should be perceived as a whole, as a unity.

Exercises should be done regularly
"The purpose of this exercise is to get out of the thought carousel by pausing to see what is happening," says Hudash. That's the best way to sit down and close your eyes. The exercises can take three minutes or less and should be done regularly. Other ways to reduce stress include yoga or progressive muscle relaxation. On holiday itself, activities such as beach volleyball, swimming, listening to music or reading are perfect for relaxing. (Ad)