Strike in the Berlin Charité

As of Monday, nurses in the Berlin Charité are on strike: Rescue centers and intensive care units are also affected by the labor dispute.
Starting on Monday, a strike of nurses will begin in the University Hospital Charité Berlin. In a ballot of the United Services Union Verdi the employees of the clinic had voted majority for a strike. As the clinic management announced on Friday in a press release, the strike is initially indefinite. This means that if there is not a timely agreement between the collective bargaining parties, the strike actions will last at least several days.
Unlimited strike also affects ambulances and emergency facilities
From Monday the 2nd of May, the caregivers of the Charité will go on an indefinite strike. Affected by the strike are mainly the emergency services, ambulances and the inpatient care sector. According to the hospital, the emergency ambulances, intensive care units and emergency services are affected by the workers' strike. Although the counterparties had agreed that urgently needed medical measures, such as emergency operations, should be carried out, the staffing levels of the nursing staff are limited to the occupancy level of the weekend shifts. Non-urgent operations and diagnostic examinations are postponed in consultation with patients. Anyone who still needs or wants to take treatment should either switch to another hospital or be prepared for very long waiting times. In addition to the Charité and the Virchow Hospital is to be stricken. Again, there may be time restrictions on the treatments. For inquiries from patients to strike and for the supply the Charité has switched an information telephone under the telephone number: 030/450 550 500.
Emergency Service Agreement is designed to prevent harm to patients
However, with the emergency service agreement previously agreed, the clinic management and the trade unions want to prevent patients from suffering damage to their health as of Monday. Before the strike began on Monday, the parties had agreed to an agreement to secure the care of patients in an emergency.
Rescue services will head for other clinics from the start of the strike
The Charité administration has asked emergency services and fire brigades due to the Verdi actions to transport patients primarily to other Berlin hospitals. The Berlin Senate for Health also informed all other Berlin clinics on Friday that it could come to increased emergency treatment of patients because emergency services instead of the Charité approach other emergency ambulances. A spokeswoman for Health Senator Katrin Lompscher (Die Linke) pointed out that while there is a right to strike action, „but the patient care should not suffer from the labor dispute“. The Berlin Senate is currently in constant talks with the bargaining parties, a direct influence could not take the Senate, however, as the Senate spokeswoman said.
Majority of workers voted for the strike
More than 92 percent had voted in a ballot for strike action. Employees are demanding 300 euros more in all three campuses of the largest university hospital for all care workers, an adjustment of the working conditions of employees from East and West, overall improved working conditions and higher wages for trainees. A union statement states that the strike is also conducted in the interests of patient safety. Because not the planned strike, but the currently prevailing normal operation endanger the health of patients. Among other things, the employees complain about a permanent understaffing in the ambulances and the wards. In addition, the average wage is still 14 percent lower than the national average.
Politicians of all parties show understanding
The health spokeswoman for the Berlin FDP, Kai Gersch, showed understanding for the demands of the nurses. However, both parties should avoid an escalation of the labor dispute in order to get patients back as soon as possible „To ensure maximum supply“. The Charité should not only open „refer to financial constraints“, but at the same time refrain from urgently needed changes in the clinical structures. In the first place, the safety of the patient must be, according to the FDP politician.
The health expert of the Greens, Heidi Kosche, supports the demands of the trade unions. The problem, however, is that even the emergency services are affected by the actions. „Especially here the situation is very tense even without a strike“, warned the Green politician. Unfortunately, it must first come to untenable conditions until those responsible come into action.
Union defends strike in emergency departments
A spokeswoman for the union Verdi defended the outage of the intensive care units and the emergency outpatient departments. On the one hand, patients could switch to other outpatient departments and, on the other hand, ICU nursing staff are also entitled to a labor dispute if working conditions become unreasonable. Anyone who still wants to or has to take care of treatments in the Charité should set himself up for very long waiting times from Monday.
Clinic sees little room for agreement
A turning in of the hospital management is not yet in sight. „We regret this escalation and assume that the strikers will work with us to avoid anything that harms patients“, explained the board member Prof. Frei. Currently, as a hospital "little room" to respond to the submitted offer from Verdi. "We are in the vise between the concerns of employees and the policy requirements," Frei said. The Senate had instructed the hospital management to make no more financial losses this year. (Sb)
Picture: Copyright Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin