Radiotherapy in elderly lung cancer patients rather useless

Unfortunately, lung cancer is a very common cancer today. The disease is usually detected very late. When the cancer has spread to the brain, often called a radiation therapy. However, this potentially harmful form of treatment should be spared, said researchers. Radiation therapy has hardly any positive effects on the life expectancy or the quality of life of the patients with this form of cancer.
Researchers at the University of Queensland have now discovered in an investigation that older lung cancer patients do not experience effective improvements in the disease through radiotherapy. Thus, many sufferers could be spared this form of treatment. The physicians published the results of their study in the journal "The Lancet".

Many people suffer from lung cancer without even knowing it
Lung cancer is a terrible disease. About every third cancer in Germany affects lung cancer. Mostly the disease is unfortunately detected too late and the consequence is often the death of those affected. Scientists found in another study that in the UK alone, more than one million people have lung cancer without knowing. Elderly lung cancer patients often use radiotherapy (WBRT) to treat cancer that has already spread to their brains.
What is NSCLC??
A so-called non-small cell lung carcinoma is also referred to as NSCLC. This refers to a bronchial carcinoma, which consists of microscopic observation of larger cells. For treatment, an operation for tumor removal is primarily used. Other treatment options include chemotherapy and radiotherapy (WBRT).
Radiation therapy has few advantages but has many side effects
WBRT radiotherapy in patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) does not affect the lifespan or quality of life of people over the age of 60, say the physicians. WBRT is still used for so-called tumor control. The WBRT treatment has significant side effects such as fatigue, hair loss and nausea, explain the authors. In addition, the toxicity can damage the cognitive functions of the memory.
Side effects of radiotherapy
Patients who received WBRT treatment only lived about five days longer than patients whose symptoms were treated with care and steroids, say the experts. The differences were very small and patients with WBRT treatment had to live through serious adverse reactions. For example, this form of treatment has led to drowsiness, hair loss, nausea and itchy dry scalp.
Study examines more than 500 patients with advanced lung cancer
The clinical study examined more than 500 subjects. The participants were 66 years old and from Australia and the United Kingdom. All subjects suffered from advanced lung cancer
Life expectancy for non-small cell lung cancer is very poor
It is estimated that 12,200 new cases of lung cancer will be diagnosed in Australia alone this year. And nearly a third of all non-small-cell cancers will eventually spread to the brain, the authors speculate. The prognosis for affected patients is very bad and the life expectancy has hardly improved since the 1980s, the doctors add. Many women are dying from lung cancer. Overall, there are more female deaths from lung cancer than from breast cancer.
Smoking, white bread and cornflakes increase the risk of lung cancer
The causes of lung cancer are manifold. Of course it is known that smoking leads to a considerably higher risk. But even with ex-smokers, the risk of lung cancer is still very high for a long time. Less is known that white bread, cornflakes and puffed rice also significantly increase the risk of lung cancer.
What are the first signs of lung cancer?
A bronchial carcinoma (lung cancer) manifests itself very differently. The growing tumor causes especially symptoms in the lungs. However, other health complaints in the body can be triggered by the disease, say the experts. The first sign of lung cancer is usually cough. This can of course also be caused by other diseases, such as a common cold. Furthermore, there is a reduction in the performance of those affected. Ill patients often feel dull and often also suffer from fever, explain the physicians. It is very important to discover lung cancer quickly. For this reason, experts are developing a new blood test that can detect lung cancer in good time.
What happens when the tumor grows out of the lungs??
As the tumor continues to grow in our lungs, it causes additional symptoms, say the scientists. These include, for example, protracted coughing attacks. These last up to three weeks and can not be treated by medication. Pneumonia, which also does not respond to the usual treatments, could be another indication of lung cancer, explain the doctors. A mostly later occurring sign of lung cancer are so-called hemoptysis. These are blood admixtures in the sputum. Some tumors of lung cancer grow out of our lungs. This can cause pain in the space between the ribs and back pain.
Affected persons should be advised exactly
Patients with NSCLC should discuss all treatment options with their oncologist. The potential side effects as well as the potential benefits of all treatments should be carefully explained by an expert, the authors suggest. (As)