Stuttering usually ends with puberty

Stuttering usually ends with puberty / Health News

Federal Congress of stuttering people


The federal congress of stuttering people takes place in Bielefeld, including today's Sunday. Various seminars and discussions will address topics such as acceptance, integration, migration and inclusion.

Stutterers should not hide
Around 800,000 adult stuttering people live in Germany. Still including today's Sunday takes place under the slogan: „The StuttererWorld meets in Bielefeld“ the Federal Congress of the Bundesvereinigung Stottern and Selbsthilfe e.V. Its chairman, Professor Martin Sommer, called on this occasion to deal openly with the disability. The news agency dpa opposite he said stuttering should not hide, because that only leads to a limited quality of life. To openly address the stuttering could be helpful, thereby eliminating the pressure to hide the disability.

In children, stuttering often disappears during puberty
In Germany, severe stuttering is recognized as a disability. Around five percent of all children in this country have phases in which they stutter. Until puberty, however, this ceases automatically in three quarters of those affected. Nearly twice as many boys as girls stutter temporarily, and moreover girls are more likely to be stuttering. This also explains later the ratio of stuttering men and women from about 4 to 1. If the stuttering does not stop until puberty, then it only loses after a few cases.

Causes of stuttering not sufficiently researched
So far, the reasons for the stuttering have not been sufficiently researched. It arises according to experts by errors in the cooperation of left and right brain. Studies have shown that stuttering is genetic in 70 percent of the cases. Stuttering people have three times more relatives who also stutter. It is believed that only one predisposition is inherited, so the offspring would not necessarily stutter. Summer explains: „The area in the brain that drives the tongue is more active in people without speech disorders.“ In principle, he explains: „Stuttering is a speech flow disorder with three core symptoms: repetition, stretching and pauses in speech.“

Various therapy options
There are different ways to deal with stuttering. Many people in everyday situations know how to deal with their speech disorder. If stress or grief occur, many can no longer control their speech. Speech therapists sometimes treat the disability using computer programs that enable those affected to practice speech skills. From another method reported summer: „There is a radical stuttering therapy from Breitenfeld in America. They make an announcement of the stuttering, so to speak. So they say, when they go to buy bread: „My name is Martin, I stutter and I would like bread.“ He further explained that it was paradoxical that if the stuttering was open on the table and openly addressed, then all the pressure and the avoidance tendency is out. (Ad)

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Stuttering is a common phenomenon