Metabolism Despite intensive diets and sports no real weight loss?

Metabolism Despite intensive diets and sports no real weight loss? / Health News
If you just do not lose weight: stimulate metabolism!
Sometimes it simply does not work out: despite healthy diet and regular exercise, the extra pounds remain on the hips. Anyone who wants to lose weight should, according to experts, not only reduce their calorie intake and exercise, but also stimulate their metabolism.

Help with weight loss
People who want to reduce their body weight, often try it with different diet programs, which, for example, rather on carbohydrates or fat is waived. Sometimes tricks such as small plates can help you lose weight. Instead of eating from a large plate, which therefore fits a large portion, it makes sense to lose weight to use a smaller breakfast or cake plate. On top of that, the amounts of food appear larger, although actually less is on the plate than in a larger one. "Visually-oriented people will definitely benefit from this optical trick!" Explains nutritional physiologist Susanne Klaus from the German Institute for Human Nutrition (DIfE) in Potsdam-Rehbrücke.

Regular exercise also helps with weight loss. According to studies, sport distributes the constant hunger. By building muscle, more pounds can be broken down, which is why experts often recommend special strength training.

If the pounds just do not want to become less despite diet and regular exercise, this could be due to a "bad" metabolism. To stimulate this one should eat, among other things, a lot of fruits and vegetables. (Image: kucherav /

If the pounds just do not want to tumble
But sometimes it is as if bewitched: despite healthy diet and regular training, the pounds simply do not want to disappear. The cause could be a "bad" metabolism. A well-functioning metabolism, however, according to experts for customer success. The metabolism - also called metabolism - determines how the substances from the food are converted and processed in the body. How well it works is genetically determined, among other things, but is also influenced by your own lifestyle.

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Stimulate the metabolism
In order to stimulate the metabolism, it is especially advised to drink a lot of water. High levels of hydration help to detoxify the body and strengthen the immune system. In addition to water you can also use unsweetened teas. It should be two to three liters a day. If you sweat heavily due to living conditions such as hot climate, the fluid requirement is even higher.

Basic nutrition and sports
Experts advise a diet with a lot of basic foods. Fresh fruits and vegetables should be on the table daily. Smoothies are also suitable, but only in moderation and only if they are not too high in calories. It is also important to eat regularly.

The metabolism can also be well stimulated by sport. Here are, among other Nordic walking or swimming. Also aqua-fitness is ideal because the body in the water increases its metabolism, so as not to cool.

Ensure healthy sleep
Since too little or irregular sleep confuses the metabolic processes, it is essential to ensure a sufficient night's sleep. Experts advise sleeping at least six to eight hours a night here.

Very important: Make sure you balance your stress! Stress is one of the biggest stumbling blocks if you want to lose weight. In stressful situations, the body releases, among other things, the hormone cortisol, which primarily promotes the dangerous inner abdominal fat. Good ways to reduce stress include yoga or progressive muscle relaxation. (Ad)