Metabolism Fasting can break down a fatty liver

Metabolism Fasting can break down a fatty liver / Health News
Metabolism in the liver can be positively influenced by fasting
Fasting is in many ways beneficial to health. Now scientists from the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), together with colleagues from Helmholtz Zentrum München, have discovered that fasting can also have a positive effect on patients with fatty liver. According to the DKFZ, they discover "new clues as to what happens on a molecular level when we starve."

In collaboration with the German Center for Diabetes Research, the scientists were able to prove that fasting produces a specific protein that influences the metabolism in the liver. This has a significant influence on the accumulation of fat in the organ. Their findings published the science in the journal "EMBO Molecular Medicine".

Fasting can have a very positive effect on the metabolism of the liver. (Image: ag visual /

Metabolic diseases a growing problem
The increasing number of overweight people worldwide has been one of the pressing problems of modern societies for years, according to researchers. "In particular, the resulting metabolic diseases such as type 2 diabetes and its sequelae can have serious consequences," warns the DKFZ. To what extent a reduced intake of calories could help to get the metabolism back on track, the researchers led by Adam J. Rose from the German Cancer Research Center and Stephan Herzig from Helmholtz Zentrum München have now examined in their current study. "If we understand how fasting affects our metabolism, we could try to bring about this effect therapeutically," Adam Rose explains the research approach.

When hungry, liver cells increasingly produce a special molecule
In their study, the scientists analyzed the effect of fasting on the gene activity of liver cells. "Using so-called transcript arrays they were able to show that especially the gene for the protein GADD45β was read different times depending on the diet," reports the DKFZ. As cells became more hungry, they increasingly produced the molecule. Its name is derived from the abbreviation of the English "Growth Arrest and DNA Damage-inducible" from. The name makes it clear that "GADD45β was previously known in connection with the repair of damage to the genetic material and the cell cycle and not from metabolic biology", explains the DKFZ.

GADD45β controls fatty acid uptake in the liver
However, in their recent experiments, the researchers were able to show that GADD45β is also responsible for controlling fatty acid uptake in the liver. In mice lacking the gene, the development of fatty liver was clearly more frequent. "However, when the GADD45β protein was restored, the fat content of the liver normalized," reports the DKFZ. In addition, the sugar metabolism has improved. Even in humans, the result has been confirmed. "Low levels of GADD45β were associated with increased liver fat accumulation and elevated blood sugar levels," according to the Cancer Research Center.

Therapeutic interventions in the metabolism possible?
According to study leader Adam J. Rose, fasting causes stress on the cells of the liver, which boosts the production of GADD45β and thus "adapts the metabolism to the low food intake." The proven effect may be useful to therapeutic in the fat - and sugar metabolism intervene. Also, the effect of food deprivation may be imitated by drug substances, which would open up additional therapeutic options, so the researchers hope. (Fp)