Constant standing in the job makes the heart really sick

Constant standing in the job makes the heart really sick / Health News

Study predominantly examines stand-by patients for cardiovascular disease

Constant work in a sitting position can have a negative impact on health. Numerous studies have already dealt with this topic. But what about when you have to constantly stand at work? Canadian scientists devoted a long-term study to this topic. The results revealed that permanent on-the-job job is unfavorable from a cardiovascular point of view and carries an increased risk of heart disease.

The 12-year study looked at 7,320 Canadian workers doing occupations that require a lot of work, such as retail vendors, chefs and machine operators. All workers must spend at least 15 hours per week on the job in a standing position.

Participants were free of cardiovascular disease at baseline. In the study, the scientists were able to show that working while standing is associated with a higher risk of developing cardiovascular disease than working in a sitting position. The study was recently published in the American Journal of Epidemiology.

Standing at work can double the risk of cardiovascular disease. (Image: goodluz /

Sitting is bad - standing is even worse

"The general perception that sitting around at work is bad for your health is true," said lead author Peter Smith of the Toronto Institute for Work and Health on the Cardiovascular Research Foundation (CRF) website. While all those people who sit a lot more should stand, standing on the job is not a suitable cardiovascular workout to reduce the risk of heart disease, the expert explains. "Blood tends to build up in the legs, causing increased venous tension and oxidative stress, both of which increase the risk of cardiovascular disease," explains Smith.

Standing permanently doubles the risk of cardiovascular disease

During the period from 2003 to 2015, 3.4 percent of the subjects developed cardiovascular disease. Men were affected more frequently by 4.6 percent than women by 2.1 percent. Compared with workers who are predominantly seated, the researchers say that there is a risk of developing a new cardiovascular disease in people who are predominantly standing, which is about twice as high.

Men benefit more from alternations between sitting and standing

In occupational activities, where the sitting and standing postures alternate, men have been shown to benefit from a lower risk of cardiovascular disease. According to the study results, men with such a profession had a 39 percent lower risk of cardiovascular disease. Women, on the other hand, even had an 80 percent higher risk here.

Researchers demand consequences for working life

"This study draws attention to the fact that work plays a role in the development of cardiovascular disease and we need to better focus on these things," warns Smith. Awareness needs to be raised that prolonged standing is a risk factor that can be easily modified. People can be made to live healthier lives through practices such as job rotation or seating. According to Smith, there is no real reason why anyone working in retail needs to stand all day.

It would be best to be more active during the day and not just to linger in a monotonous attitude. (Vb)