Constant wasp plague How to protect yourself from wasps

Constant wasp plague How to protect yourself from wasps / Health News
So you can protect yourself from annoying and aggressive wasps
Currently, wasps seem to be particularly annoying and aggressive in many places. In bakeries, at fruit stalls and at the coffee table in the garden, countless insects whirr and prepare for the food. Experts give valuable tips on how to protect yourself from wasps.

Wasp plague due to summer temperatures
In the garden at the cake dinner, at the ice cream parlor, in the pastry shop or at the fruit and vegetable stand: Everywhere people are currently annoyed animal by wasps, which seem particularly annoying and aggressive this year. In particular, the Germans and the common wasps make about almost every sweet. Especially due to the summer heat, the wasps are currently a real plague. In the "Rheinische Post" (RP Online) experts have some tips on how to arm yourself against the current wasp plague.

The yellow-black wasp plague. Image: Jürgen Fälchle - fotolia

Wasps do not like smoke
For example, the insect expert at NABU, Kreisverband Oberberg (North Rhine-Westphalia), advises Michael Gerhard: "Generally, do not panic or rush if the garden table is suddenly visited by a wasp or several wasps." If the animals feel threatened, they become aggressive accordingly. The expert has some advice on how to keep insects away from the coffee table: "In general, all insects hate smoke and fire. This corresponds to their natural fear of forest fires. So you will rarely find a wasp directly on the grill. "In addition, it should have proven to be useful if you put ignited coffee powder on the table. If there is enough space, you can place sweet fruit or lemonade a few meters away to keep the animals away.

The Germans and the Wasp are annoying
Although several hundred different species of wasps live in Germany, only the Germans and the common wasp are so fixated on desserts and fruit that they become dreaded tormentors. "There are every few years sometimes extreme wasp summer. Then we just have to live with the animals for a few weeks, "said Gerhard. Among other things, low night frost and a lot of dryness in the spring ensured that there are many more wasps this summer. "In such perfect conditions, many queens of all wasp species survived the winter and eagerly hatched an above-average wasp population in their peoples," says Gerhard.

Do not remove sting with pressure
The wasp summer will continue. Around the end of August, the new queens and drones of the wasp peoples will hatch and then mate in the air within the few weeks until their lifetime. Then the young insects are once again particularly "foolish". The pharmacist Diana Gruner has also noticed that 2015 is a wasp year. According to RP, she said, "Currently, we have two to three patients who report acute wasp stings each day." Usually, she recommends an antihistamine to help those suffering from the pain swell. However, the pharmacist warned: "You must never remove the spine with pressure from the puncture wound, because it releases poison again." Rather, one should, as with a tick bite, handle carefully with tweezers.

Chill puncture wound
But there are even more tips from health experts, which helps if the wasp stabbed. For example, Hückeswagen's medical spokesman Helmut Beckert explained treatment methods that can be used when patients do not show any allergic reactions. "The puncture wound must be well cooled. Often, an antiallergic help to reduce swelling and a painkiller, "said the doctor. In addition, the use of ice cubes, slices of lemon or onion rings have proven to be a home remedy for curing a wasp sting. Beckert said, "All wasp stings are painful and swelling. But they are dangerous only for people with allergic reactions. "And indeed, there are quite a few people who suffer from an insect sting allergy. However, an insect venom allergy is often underestimated, experts warn again and again. (Ad)