Permanent joint pain Natural remedies help against pain in rheumatism

Permanent joint pain Natural remedies help against pain in rheumatism / Health News
Inflammatory joint disease: Natural remedies for rheumatism relieve pain
If rheumatism is mentioned, it usually means the disease rheumatoid arthritis. More than a quarter of a million Germans suffer from it. Women are significantly more affected than men. Most patients take medicines for their complaints. But natural remedies can also help with rheumatism.

Over a quarter of a million Germans have rheumatoid arthritis
Under the generic term "rheumatism" several hundred diseases are summarized, some of which are very similar. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is the most common inflammatory joint disease, according to the German Society of Rheumatology. Around 550,000 Germans suffer from it. Women are affected three times more often. The onset of illness is possible at any age, usually between the 40th and 50th year of life. However, rheumatism also affects many children. In Germany alone, around 20,000 children and adolescents under the age of 16 suffer from the so-called "Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis" (short JIA).

Rheumatoid patients usually take long-term medication for their complaints. But even with natural remedies pain can be alleviated. (Image: tatomm /

Prevent permanent joint damage
Living with rheumatism usually means living with medication. In particular, in rheumatoid arthritis, the drugs in addition to the pain relief have the important function of permanent damage to the joints to prevent or at least slow down, the news agency dpa. However, they can not cure the disease. "And some patients have to learn that the symptoms persist despite a successful drug therapy first," said Reinhard Hein, a practicing rheumatologist and doctor of natural remedies in Nienburg / Weser to the Agency. This is frustrating and makes it difficult to accept the chronic illness as part of life. "The diagnosis of rheumatism always means a major cut," said Cornelia Baltscheit. The psychologist, who is a board member of the Berlin State Association of the German Rheumatism League (self-help organization for rheumatism patients), has rheumatism on her own.

Alternative treatments are gentler
In addition to the medications, alternative treatments such as radon heat therapy in warm healing tunnels can provide relief to patients. In general, natural remedies appear as a tempting alternative. They are usually not only gentler, but also accompanied by less or no side effects. Even Hein says in the dpa report that they are worth a look in the treatment of rheumatism - not as an alternative, but as a supplement to conventional medicine.

Improvement of the symptoms
An older study showed that the Chinese medicinal plant Tripterygium wilfordii Hook F (German: Wilford's three-winged fruit) relieves rheumatoid arthritis. In addition to treatment with medicinal plants such as borage, stinging nettle or claw-thorn and evening primrose oil, water applications, nutritional or exercise therapies are also possible alternatives. As explained by the head of the University Center for Natural Medicine at the University Medical Center Freiburg, Roman Huber, some patients experienced an improvement of the symptoms. However, he said: "Overall, the efficacy of phytotherapeutics available to date in Germany is rather low, both in terms of the study situation and the clinical experience in rheumatoid arthritis."

Vegan diet brought successes
The expert, however, observed greater success as patients switched to a vegan diet. However, this experience also showed that there is no "rheumatism diet" that helps anyone affected. The only way to find out how the body responds is to try it out. "We recommend that patients practice the vegan diet for three weeks. A first effect occurs after three days, the maximum effect after three weeks. Patients can then decide for themselves how to handle this experience, "says Huber. An essential aspect of the naturopathic therapies for rheumatism is that the patient gets to know the possibilities of influencing one's own state of health. Sometimes it can be a cold quark wrap that relieves the acute pain.

Naturopathic treatments after consultation with the doctor
Patients are advised not to begin naturopathic treatment without consulting the attending physician. "The natural remedies must not be isolated from the rest of the therapy or even used as a substitute for scientifically necessary treatment," said Hein. Otherwise, there is a risk that joint or tissue damage that can not be repaired remains. In addition, sufferers often help with relaxation exercises at home. Autogenic training, meditation, yoga or tai chi, according to experts, can be used well to regain control of pain and release blockages in muscles.

Rheumatism is not curable
Both physicians with additional training and some clinics combine conventional medicine and naturopathy. In many cases, the costs are covered by the health insurance companies. Since the reimbursement is handled differently in ambulatory applications, one should inform oneself in advance with his cash register. "In the search for relief, many patients resort to every straw," said Baltscheit. Because this makes the market interesting even for dubious providers, it is best to arm yourself by asking for studies and exchanging views with those affected. "Special care is always needed if someone promises to cure inflammatory rheumatism, because rheumatism is not curable so far." (Ad)