Stimulants Taste and enjoy can be learned

Stimulants Taste and enjoy can be learned / Health News
Mind training as early as possible
When a piece of chocolate melts in your mouth, it causes a physicochemical reaction. A variety of stimulants are released and made available to the taste buds and the olfactory cells. The gourmet has to adjust to these sensory perceptions, concentrate and hide disturbing influences. The consumption of chocolate, but also of all other foods or drinks, therefore takes time. This is one of seven central enjoyment rules Dr. Ing. Rainer Lutz, clinical psychologist and therapist, in his contribution "Enjoyment and Enjoyment" in the new issue of the aid journal "Nutrition".
The properties of a food are not necessarily a prerequisite for enjoyment. Decisive is the behavior of the connoisseur. And that can be directed with sense exercises in the right direction, alone or in the group. Consumption training, in which, starting from the smell, all senses are gradually explored, are used, for example, in the treatment of depression, schizophrenia, addictions and eating disorders. Their goal is ultimately self-care, Lutz explains: "The person sees himself as responsible for himself and his well-being."

Taste and enjoy can be learned. Picture: contrast workshop - fotolia

Even healthy people can benefit from it and enjoy their lives more. The expert points to studies, according to which a relaxed and pleasure-oriented lifestyle favors learning processes, releases energy and strengthens the immune system.

Sensory training in childhood is of particular importance. "Although all sensory organs are functional from birth, it is not possible to distinguish subtle nuances of taste from the outset. You have to practice that, "explains Angela Dietz, an Oecotrophologist at the Competence Center for Nutrition (KErn) in Freising. In her journal article, she presents a tasting course developed by KErn, which is used in nutrition education measures in Bavaria. From June 2016 kindergartens and elementary schools in Bavaria can borrow the course. (Eva Neumann, aid)