Right? Should not a glass of water be drunk after eating cherries?

Right? Should not a glass of water be drunk after eating cherries? / Health News
Eating cherries and drinking water leads to abdominal pain - Is that really true?
Cherries are very popular among many Germans. The best taste of the fruits fresh. However, eating too much can cause a stomach ache. Even drinking water after eating cherries encourages stomach ache, it is said. Is that true??

Healthy fruits with few calories
Hardly a supermarket in which cherries are currently not on offer. The delicious fruits seduce you to snack. Not only are they low in calories, they are also very healthy. The fruit is rich in nutrients such as folic acid, iron, potassium, magnesium and B and C vitamins. The phytochemicals contained in the cherries are attributed, inter alia, a preventive effect against cardiovascular diseases. But you should not eat too much otherwise you will get a stomachache. Also, drinking water after eating cherries allegedly promotes stomach ache. Is that true??

If you drink water after eating cherries, you do not have to be surprised if you get stomach ache. Is that true? (Image: bergamont / fotolia.com)

After eating cherries do not drink water?
"Eaten cherries, drink water, get stomach ache ...". Is the old children's prop really true?

"No more," writes the initiative "Too good for the ton!" Of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) on its website.

According to the experts were formerly "probably germs such as yeasts in drinking water, which made the stomach grumble." Today, the quality of our drinking water is very good.

Bacteria in the colon
According to Christian Sina, director of the Institute of Nutritional Medicine of the University of Lübeck, the yeast fungus theory is not a good explanation, reports "Spiegel Online".

Since gastric acid is about one million times more acidic than water, yeasts and other microorganisms have poor survival conditions.

Instead, the expert assumes that bacteria that inhabit the colon as natural inhabitants are responsible for the symptoms. The microorganisms decompose parts of the fruits and produce gases.

Water could increase the discomfort
According to the doctor, a cup of cherries contains up to three grams of fiber. When decomposed by bacteria in the colon, a mixture of methane, nitrogen compounds, and other gases will form within half an hour after eating, stretching the intestinal wall. It hurts.

"Even a bloated stomach can almost always be explained by fermentation processes in the colon," says Sina loudly "Spiegel Online".

From his point of view, even the drinking warning can make sense: "The water could increase the discomfort by ensuring that the cherries slip faster into the intestine."

A pound of cherries is too much for the stomach
It is also clear to the experts of "Too good for the ton!" That it can come to the stomach after the cherry enjoyment.

They explain: "The fruit peel contains germs that are normally harmless to the body. The stomach acid kills most of them. "

But those who eat large quantities of cherries (more than half a kilo) overwhelmed his stomach. The fermentation processes in the stomach can then cause abdominal pain. (Ad)