Stiftung Warentester Best valued toothpaste available for very little money

Only two products can not convince
In addition to the thorough cleaning, a good toothpaste is important for proper dental care. This is to remove documents and soiling, provide white teeth and, above all, protect against caries. But do the commercial products meet these requirements at all? Stiftung Warentest examined 28 toothpastes and came to a gratifying result: Almost all test products provide reliable caries protection and at least every second removes discoloration at least well. Two pastes, however, the experts could not convince and got a "Poor".
Tester examine 28 toothpastes
Of course, toothpastes are part of daily cleaning for most people. According to Stiftung Warentest every year, every German uses around five tubes to clean their teeth, keep them white and protect them from decay. The foundation's experts have now checked 28 toothpastes and looked closely at how the products perform these tasks. For this purpose, they examined, among other things, the ingredients, tested how well the pastes remove deposits and whether the cream can be completely pushed out of the tube. The result is pleasing, because 22 of the products received a "good" or "very good".

Abrasion is an important purchase criterion
An important point for the evaluation was also the abrasion strength. Because the paste is not only coverings, but also remove unsightly discoloration by coffee, tea, red wine or tobacco. For this purpose, surfactants and so-called cleansers are contained in the cream, which, depending on size, shape and type, ensure a different degree of abrasion.
For healthy teeth, a strong abrasion is usually no problem, but with exposed tooth necks should rather be resorted to a sensitive toothpaste, so the recommendation of the Stiftung Warentest.
Caries protection is the focus
The most important task of a toothpaste is to protect your teeth from decay. This damage to the tooth enamel, also known as "tooth rot", is caused by bacterial plaque. The plaque bacteria degrade sugar from our food, producing acids that attack and damage the enamel. With toothpaste containing fluoride, tooth decay can be prevented because fluoride helps remineralize tooth surfaces and makes them more resistant to acids.
Testers are calling for zinc
Zinc, according to the foundation in commercial concentration in toothpaste for adults makes sense. Because it is scientifically proven that the trace element has an antibacterial effect and thereby protects against plaque, tooth-stone, inflammation of the teeth and mouth and odor.
However, too much of this could have a negative impact in the long term, experts say. These include a weakened immune system, blood poverty and nerve-related movement disorders. Since the risk of overdosage in children and adolescents is increased, the Foundation requires a corresponding note on the packaging of zinc-containing toothpastes.
Four very good pastes
The winner in pastes for sensitive teeth is the product "Odol-med 3 Extreme Clean Deep Cleansing" (2.63 per 100 ml, average price 1.97 Euro), which achieved it despite a low abrasion, dark discolorations "very good" too remove. Also the toothpastes "Colgate Total Fresh Stripe" (2.65 Euro per 100 ml, average price 1.99 Euro), "Signal herbal fresh" (0.87 Euro per 100 ml, average price 65 cents) and "Blend-a- med Complete Protect Expert "(3.99 euros per 100 ml, average price 2.99 euros) received a very good overall rating. However, these are more suitable for people with insensitive teeth due to medium or high abrasion.
Taillights do not provide sufficient caries protection
18 other products received the overall grade "good". The testers were all able to demonstrate very good protection against tooth decay and good to satisfactory results in the removal of discoloration.
Losers of the investigation were the "Weleda plant tooth gel" (5.67 euros per 100 ml, average price 4.25 euros) with low abrasion and the toothpaste "Biorepair" (6.67 euros per 100 ml, average price 5 euros) with medium abrasion. Both products contain no fluoride, which may limit protection against tooth decay. In addition, "Biorepair" lacked a reference to the packaging on contained zinc.
Clean for at least two minutes
In order to properly care for the teeth, the Stiftung Warentest recommends to clean thoroughly twice a day. It should be used to a tooth cream with very good caries prophylaxis, with at least two minutes must be cleaned so that the fluoride can act sufficiently. The right brushing technique is important: All tooth surfaces, ie front, back and purchase surfaces, must be cleaned.
Once a day, the interdental spaces should also be flossed or interdental brushed. In general, avoid pressing too hard with the toothbrush. If you use acidic foods such as If you have eaten fruit, it is best to wait 30 minutes to clean it so as not to rub the acid deeper into your teeth. (No)