Stiftung Warentest Damaging mineral oil components in meat substitutes

Vegetarian schnitzel and sausages have experienced a boom in recent years. Not only vegetarians resort to meat substitutes. Stiftung Warentest has now taken a closer look at various such products. The conclusion is loud according to the experts "mixed out".
Market for veggie products is booming
Surveys show that fewer and fewer people eat meat. Many of them instead resort to meat substitutes made from tofu, seitan, quorn, wheat gluten and co. Such vegetarian alternatives have experienced a boom in recent years, according to experts, the market share of meatless foods continues to increase. Stiftung Warentest has now tested some meat substitute products. The test result is mixed.

Mineral oil components in meat substitutes
According to the tester, the testers took a closer look at eight veggie bratwursts and six veggie schnitzel and burgers each. "They searched for animal DNA and pollutants, examined how much protein and fat the products contain and whether additives play a role," it says on "".
Six of the 20 meat substitutes thus performed well. However, not all veggie products were convincing. Five fried sausages and one schnitzel were "loaded with high amounts of mineral oil components". Almost all products contained additives, especially thickeners.
Several products have convinced
"The test result is mixed," write the experts. Accordingly, there were enough convincing candidates who are a good alternative to their carnal models and even resemble them in taste and consistency. However, many products can get even better: "Some veggie varieties tasted dry, hard to chew or very salty. Also, they are not per se less calorie than the comparable meat products. "The meat flavor of sausages, meatballs and schnitzel was in the tasting is not a must. If that succeeded nevertheless, there were extra points.
Five fried sausages and one Schnitzel heavily loaded
Most Critical Find: Five fried sausages and one schnitzel were loaded with high amounts of mineral oil components. According to the researchers, the testers found one of the highest levels of so-called "mosh" compounds (mineral oil hydrocarbons) in a "good" vegetarian schnitzel that they had ever measured in food. The affected schnitzel therefore failed with "poor".
The consumer magazine "Öko-Test" also examined 22 products for vegetarians and vegans a few months ago and found that many meat substitutes are often inadequate.
No limits for mosh compounds
The European Food Authority Efsa classifies mosh (mineral oil saturated hydrocarbons) as "potentially worrying". Some compounds can accumulate in human organs. For Mosh, there is no limit. According to the testers, they can, among other things, use white oil, which is approved as an additive in production, to get into the products.
Winner of the test were the sausage and the "Schnitzel meatless" by "Valess" (2.0 each). Also "good" were the "Bratmaxe Veggie-Griller" by Meica (2,2), "Vegetarian Mühlenfrikadellen" by Rügenwalder Mühle (2,3), the "Vegan Soy Schnitzel" by Edeka Bio + Vegan (2,4) as well as the "How Meatball Vegetarian" by Heirler (2,5). (Ad)