Stiftung Warentest cancer drugs in the test

Stiftung Warentest publishes book „Medicines in the test - cancer“
Tomorrow is the new book „Medicines in the test - cancer“ the Stiftung Warentest available. On 272 pages, the foundation provides independent and differentiated information about the advantages and disadvantages of the various drugs used in cancer therapy. Thus, the cancer patients should be offered an independent assessment of the drug treatment options.
In the book are typical questions of cancer patients like „Which therapy is the right one?“, „What side effects occur?“ or „How much does the quality of life suffer??“ answered. In the run-up to medical therapy, affected persons and their relatives can obtain independent and objective information, according to the Stiftung Warentest.
Answers to the most pressing questions of cancer patients
In the new book of the Stiftung Warentest, cancer patients and other interested parties find answers to the most pressing questions that arise in the context of drug-based cancer therapy. „For this, the most important drugs that are used in cancer therapy are discussed: What opportunities they offer, which side effects can occur and how the study situation is to be assessed“, so the message of the Stiftung Warentest. All active substances would be objectively discussed on the basis of the latest scientific research. The experience of clinically active oncologists was included here as well. According to their own account brings the „Stiftung Warentest Transparency in the current study situation and explains clearly and precisely what the patients have to look out for.“
Orientation aid for cancer patients
Stiftung Warentest sees one in its new book „Guidance for patients to make their own decisions“ and find a suitable therapy together with the attending physician. Rather than a rough guide, however, such a book can hardly be anyway, since a proper assessment of existing treatment options should always end up by a specialist. However, one or the other doctor may win with the help of the book „Medicines in the test - cancer“ still interesting findings on certain drugs. (Fp)
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Image: Sara Hegewald