Stiftung Warentest home remedy for mold

Stiftung Warentest: Remedy for mold
Molds in the home are not only ugly, but also very dangerous to health. The fungal spores can cause respiratory illness or lead to allergies or asthmatic diseases. Symptoms that can occur as a result of mildew are persistent headache, runny nose and sleeping problems as well as burning eyes and coughing. Therefore, mold should be eliminated immediately after being discovered. The Stiftung Warentest examined several means for their suitability.
Chemical nuggets can be harmful to humans
But also the chemicals of the anti-mold remedies can be harmful for humans and not all remedies really help effectively. Stiftung Warentest has tested 20 remedies for mold. This old well-tried home remedies against chemical clubs began.
Experts of the Federal Environment Agency expressly warn against so-called fungicides. These are chemical or biological agents that kill fungi or their spores or prevent their growth for a period of time. There is a danger that the active ingredients will remain in the rooms for a longer period of time and thus harm the residents' health more than they use. The tests showed that "simple home remedies such as hydrogen peroxide, a compound of hydrogen and oxygen, work just as well and also have fewer side effects." Home remedies with alcohol and vinegar essence have also had a very good anti-mold effect. spore killing effect after a contact time of 60 minutes. "Below is a brief overview.
The best cut the spray products of “FLT“, „Hellweg“, “toom““ and “Max Bahr“ from. Also the mold remover of „Men“ belonged to this group. 0.5 liters cost between 7.70 euros to 9 euros. From a health point of view, they all got one “satisfying“, so the testers. Good sprays are also available with hydrogen peroxide from the company „Mildew X“ and ethanol-based „Leinos“.
If you prefer to make an anti-mold agent yourself, should use isopropyl alcohol or methylated spirits. With two Euro liters the cheapest option. It should be diluted with methylated spirits with water and repeat the application a few times to achieve success. Who does not want to use alcohol, which can also take as an alternative to a hydrogen peroxide solution. An advantage of the home remedies compared to the industrially manufactured products is that they hardly form any residue and they quickly volatilize again. Even if no chemical agents are used against the mold, the experts still recommend airing well after use. (Fr)
Picture: M. Grossmann