Stiftung Warentest Cheap chocolate ice cream is also good

Chocolate ice cream can have very different quality, which is mainly due to the ingredients used. Stiftung Warentest has now published a survey of 20 chocolate ice cream brands in the current issue of its magazine "test", in which more than a third of the products were able to achieve a "good" rating. Test winner was the most expensive product (Häagen Dasz Classics Belgian Chocolate, 11.10 euros per liter), but also cheap chocolate ice cream from the discounter could certainly convince, according to the Stiftung Warentest.
In total, seven out of the 20 chocolate ice cream brands in household packs received the quality rating "good", and two of them even achieved a "very good" sensory rating, according to Stiftung Warentest. However, in addition to the "good" products were also less convincing. For example, ten of the 20 checked ice cream brands have only "satisfactorily" cut off and two others only "sufficient" because, for example, they could not convince their taste or according to the packaging should be "with chocolate", without actually containing chocolate. In addition, the Grandessa ice cream chocolate from Aldi Süd received no quality rating, because the testers could not understand how and from what the declared "natural chocolate flavor with other natural flavors" was produced, according to the statement by Stiftung Warentest. In the laboratory, this can not be proven and Aldi Süd have made on request contradictory information. In addition, chocolate flavor for a strong chocolate flavor anyway not necessary.
Significant differences in calorie content
Although the winner was at the same time the most expensive chocolate ice cream examined, also products from the discounter were able to achieve a "good" rating. The cheapest "good" chocolate ice cream comes from the discounter and cost only 1.49 euros per liter, reported the Stiftung Warentest. In addition to the price and taste differences, according to the testers also showed great differences in terms of calories. "While Roggenkamps Organics' organic chocolate ice cream costs 336 kilocalories per 100 grams, Botterbloom's chocolate ice cream is only 179 kilocalories," according to the Foundation's announcement. In particular, sugar and fat would turn some ice cream into a calorie bomb. The ice is sweetened especially with sugar, but often with glucose syrup. For example, organic suppliers would use cane sugar and manioc syrup. The most sugar-rich ice cream in the test contained around 28 grams of sugar per 100 grams, with the World Health Organization (WHO) using 25 grams per day as a strict upper limit for an average adult.
No critical contamination with germs or pollutants
According to the testers, critical germ counts were not found in the tested chocolate ice creams and the contents of pollutants such as mineral oils or cadmium from cocoa had been inconspicuous in the current investigation. The chocolate ice cream test is published in the May issue of the magazine "test". (Fp)
Picture credits: Helene Souza
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