Foundation Dangerous Medicines for Seniors

Stiftung Warentest presents risky medicines for the elderly
The intake of medication can quickly lead to unpleasant side effects, overdose of some drugs even be fatal. Older people should therefore be especially cautious, because according to the Stiftung Warentest, many medicines are more likely to cause health damage in old age.
10 to 15 percent of hospital admissions through medication
As Stiftung Warentest has stated, many medications do not have a positive effect on the elderly, but rather harm health instead. Although side effects and overdoses are in principle possible with every drug, some remedies pose a particularly high risk as they age. Accordingly, about 10 to 15 percent of hospitalizations of elderly people caused by drugs, so the Stiftung Warentest in in the current September issue of the magazine "test".
Potentially dangerous preparations since 2010 on the "Priscus list"
Since certain medicines are considered to be "potentially inadequate medication" in elderly patients, since 2010 they have been collected in the so-called "Priscus List" (Latin: priscus = "old, time-honored"). At present, 83 drugs from 18 drug classes are on this list, which according to the research association "priscus" by experts in the context of a structured expert survey "as potentially inadequate for older patients evaluated". These drugs are now presented in the current "test" magazine and parallel alternatives are shown, which are considered to be "suitable" according to the assessment of the Stiftung Warentest.
Migraine "ergotamine" among the risky drugs
According to the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), among the 83 substances on the "Priscus list" are, for example, the active ingredients "ergotamine" or derivatives of ergotamine, which are used for migraine headaches and are often not tolerated by older people , Since, according to the BMBF, side effects such as "gastrointestinal [...] problems, dizziness, palpitations and blood pressure problems" can occur here, the active substance "triptan" is recommended as an alternative, for example.
Multiple medication carries additional risk
But not only the active substances as such can bring an increased risk for the elderly. What makes the situation even more problematic: many older people are dependent on illness to take several medications at the same time ("polymedication"). A survey by Stiftung Warentest on showed that among the over-65s, just over every third person consumes more than five medicines every day, and every tenth respondent even takes eight preparations or more. Unfortunately, this multiple medication is often needed but can quickly be detrimental due to possible interactions. For example, according to a brochure of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research on the subject of "Medicines in old age", different drugs may have the same side effects or it may happen that one drug slows down the effect of another. Therefore, the Foundation appeals to family physicians to regularly review the drug mix of older people and points out that pharmacists could also help by paying attention to interactions from the outset. (No)
Picture: Andrea Damm