Stevia jam less durable

Stevia-based jam lasts less than classic sugar jam
Stevia is becoming increasingly popular as a sugar substitute. The stevia gelling sugar can also be used to make jam. However, according to the housekeeping minister Monika Wittkowski from the DHB network Household in Berlin told the news agency „dpa“ Note that the shelf life of stevia jam is lower than when using conventional sugar.
Stevia is a plant-based sweetener that, unlike sugar, contains almost no calories and is therefore less stressful for your health. Also Stevia sweetens much stronger than sugar. If the sugar substitute used for the production of jam, therefore, a significantly lower amount is sufficient to achieve the same sweetness. This is taken into account in the mixing ratio of sweetener and fruit pulp. According to Monika Wittkowski, the sugar jams are generally divided into three different variants. A mixing ratio of one to one, with the same amount of sugar and fruit being boiled down. A less sweet ratio of two to one, which uses twice as much fruit as sugar and a ratio of three to one, with a very high proportion of fruit. The less sugar the jam contains, the lower its shelf life. This corresponds to a mixing ratio of one to one about two years and decreases with increasing fruit content.
Store jam with Stevia for a maximum of four months
Since stevia is clearly sweeter than conventional sugar anyway, according to the expert, the stevia jam is usually cooked in a ratio of three parts fruit to one part stevia. The sweetness corresponds to a sugar jam in the ratio of one to one. Although bring Stevia in terms of taste no disadvantages, but the jam altogether much shorter shelf life. „I would not pick her up for more than four months“, stressed Wittkowski. Only in the case of the finished stevia gelling sugar mixtures, to which preservatives have already been added, is it to be assumed that the shelf life will be extended beyond four months. (Fp)
Picture: Sigrid Rossmann