Austria Listeria found in trout fillets

Austria Listeria found in trout fillets / Health News

Listeria warning in Austria on expired smoked trout fillets.

(09.05.2010) Some time ago there had to be reports of a Listeria contamination in cheese. Now there is another warning in Austria about Listeria contamination in smoked trout fillets. According to "" Listeria was found in expired products of trout fillets from the company "Eisvogel". Listeria was found in trout fillets that have expired since 4 May 2010. The supermarket chains "ADEG" and "Interspar" have warned as a precautionary measure against the consumption, although the concerned trout filters are already no longer to be found in the trade. However, it may be that in some households, the products are still available. Therefore the warning that the goods are not eaten by the consumer. Because the trout fillets are harmful to health!

Rudi Anschober (Greens) commented to the ORF on the Listeria infestation in trout fillets as follows: "The food safety authorities had a specific indication in the Tyrol, which is why samples were taken in Upper Austria as well. " Samples of new trout fillet products will now be taken to exclude Listeria contamination. It is currently being investigated, as the Listeria could get into the goods. According to the company "Kingfisher" the Listeria infestation is an isolated case. 100 percent of all hygiene standards are adhered to, according to the management. Listeria is harmless for healthy people. However, people with a weakened immune system or pregnant women are at high risk. The sequelae disorder is called listeriosis and can potentially lead to death in high-risk groups. (Sb)

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