Stone Age gene variants allow us to develop a higher smoke tolerance when grilling

Stone Age gene variants allow us to develop a higher smoke tolerance when grilling / Health News
Gen variant could be responsible for better tolerance to smoke
Barbecuing is one of the most popular summer activities for men. The sight of the fire, crackling sparks and the typical smoke create the right atmosphere and are simply a must for barbecue fans. Why this is so could be explained by a recent work by Pennsylvania State University: Gary Perdew and his team have discovered a genetic peculiarity that may have helped modern humans better adapt to smoke from fire. The researchers published their results in the journal "Molecular Biology and Evolution".

Smoke is part of the barbecue
For many barbecue fans, it can not hiss, crackle and smoke enough when preparing sausages, steaks and Co. That we find fire fascinating and the smoke usually not particularly disturbing could be due to a genetic peculiarity. A team of scientists led by Gary Perdew of Pennsylvania State University has discovered a potentially decided difference when comparing genotypes of Homo sapiens, Neanderthals, and the so-called "Denisova Man.".

A genetic mutation could be the reason why the smoke of grilling is less dangerous to humans than its archaic relatives. (Image: nd3000 /

Only the modern man carries the gene mutation
For, unlike his relatives, modern humans seem to be carrying a particular gene variant that may give them increased tolerance to toxic substances produced by fire for cooking, protection, or heating, according to Gary Perdew, according to a Pennsylvania release State University.

Decreased binding affinity to PAHs
Said gene codes for a protein called "aryl hydrocarbon receptor" (AHR) to which polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) bind. Of course, these occur in, among other things, brown and hard coal and are also produced by heating or burning wood etc. They can be found in roasted or grilled meat products as well as in tobacco smoke and in many cases are carcinogenic.

According to the researchers, the altered base in the gene affects the function of the AHR protein by significantly reducing the binding affinity to the PAHs compared to the archaic variants. As a result, the smoke produced by the fire will be easier for us.

Other groups suffer more from the smoke
All three groups had used the researchers for fire, whether for heating, as an aid in hunting or at meetings. In addition to the allowed cooking with fire our ancestors have a wider range of foods such as. Integrate roots and tubers and led to better digestion of food, informs the university.

From the experts' point of view, however, Neanderthals and Denisova people probably suffered more from the negative effects of fire and smoke due to the lack of gene variants. Because at high concentrations, the toxins produced by smoke could increase the risk of respiratory infections and cancer. For expectant mothers who have contact with the poisons, therefore, the danger for a low birth weight of the child and infant mortality may increase.

Human ancestors metabolize the toxic compounds more slowly
"Neanderthals would be exposed to multiple sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons that are known to cause cancer and high levels of cell death by inhaling smoke and eating char-grilled meat," Perdew said.

"The evolutionary hypothesis is that if Neanderthals were exposed to large amounts of these smoke-generated toxins, it could lead to respiratory problems, decreased female fertility, and increased susceptibility to respiratory viruses in pre-adolescence, while our ancestors would have diminished toxicity because of their low toxicity Metabolize compounds more slowly, "the scientist continues. (No)