Increasing life expectancy People live in these countries for a very long time

Increasing life expectancy People live in these countries for a very long time / Health News
People are getting older all over the world
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), global life expectancy has increased significantly. How old you become depends, among other things, on where you are born. Women in Japan become the oldest. People in Sierra Leone die very early.

Women live longer than men
According to World Health Organization (WHO) data, global life expectancy has increased significantly, climbing five years from 2000 to 71.4 years. Women are 73.8 years ahead of men (69.1 years). However, according to the WHO Health Statistics, there are major regional differences: while newborn children in 29 affluent countries have an average life expectancy of at least 80 years according to the experts, life expectancy in 22 sub-Saharan countries is less than 60 years.

Worldwide life expectancy has increased significantly, according to the World Health Organization. How old you become depends on where you are born. (Image: Tyler Olson /

Life expectancy in Germany reaches record level
For women in Japan, the average life expectancy is highest at 86.8 years, for men Switzerland occupies the top spot with 81.3 years. According to the new figures, the average life expectancy for 2015 is 81 in Germany. 83.4 years for women and 78.7 years for men. The Federal Statistical Office also came to similar conclusions: In a press release, the experts reported a few months ago that life expectancy has risen to a record. However, a recent life expectancy benchmark index showed that it depends greatly on the prosperity of a region to reach the age of the population living there. According to WHO figures, the Germans score relatively poorly in direct comparison with their European neighbors. Those citizens who live the longest in Europe are Swiss, Spaniards and Italians.

People in Sierra Leone die very early
People born in Sierra Leone are reported to die earliest. In the West African country women live on average 50.8 years and men are only 49.3 years old. On the positive side, people in the African region lived on average 9.4 times longer than they did 15 years ago - life expectancy rose the most there. The reason for this, according to the WHO, is the better fight against malaria. In addition, it had succeeded in combating the spread of HIV.

Africa lags behind in health care
For the German Foundation for World Population, this success is an indication of the importance of political and economic aid in poor countries. "The increased life expectancy shows that investments in health care and medical research and development pay off," said the foundation's CEO, Renate Bähr. "But Africa is lagging behind in health care and life expectancy. Although the continent is most affected by preventable diseases such as AIDS and malaria, there are only two doctors per 10,000 inhabitants! In Europe there are 16 times as many. "(Ad)