Rising TBE risk Tick infections have continued to increase

Rising TBE risk Tick infections have continued to increase / Health News

More and more TBE infections by ticks

Recently, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reported that the TBE risk areas in Germany are increasing rapidly. There was also an increase in TBE infections caused by ticks. Health experts are calling certain people to get vaccinated. But there are also other ways to protect yourself from the crawlies.

Carriers of dangerous diseases

Health experts repeatedly point out the importance of protecting yourself from ticks. The little bloodsuckers can eventually transmit dangerous infectious diseases such as Lyme disease or tick-borne encephalitis (TBE). While the former is widespread nationwide, the latter is restricted to certain regions of the republic. However, the TBE risk areas have increased significantly in recent years, as the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) recently reported in the Epidemiological Bulletin.

The number of TBE cases in Germany has increased significantly. Health experts call for protection against ticks. (Image: Schlegelfotos / fotolia.com)

Significantly more TBE disorders

Ticks infected with tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) spread.

According to a report from Hamburg Barmer Krankenkasse, a total of 505 cases of TBE were recorded in Germany in 2017, compared with only 359 in the previous year. This corresponds to an increase of 40 percent.

In Hamburg itself, there was only one documented FMSE infection last year.

"But the danger of being infected by ticks in classic holiday areas remains for the Hamburgers," warns Frank Liedtke, regional manager of the Barmer in the Hanseatic city.

In Germany, especially in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg, in southern Hesse, in southeastern Thuringia and in Saxony, there is a risk of being infected by tick bites with the TBE virus.

And also in typical holiday countries such as Austria, Denmark, Finland, Sweden and northern Italy there is a high TBE risk.

Infection can be fatal in extreme cases

TBE can be difficult especially for older people. About one third of the infected people have symptoms of illness.

First, there are flu-like symptoms such as fever, headache, vomiting and dizziness.

According to doctors, some patients also develop meningitis and encephalitis with the risk of damage to the spinal cord. In extreme cases, the disease is fatal.

There are no drugs available against TBE itself, only the symptoms can be treated.

Vaccination for people from risk groups

But a vaccine is available against the disease. The Standing Vaccination Commission (STIKO) and other health professionals recommend vaccination coverage to people who often spend time outdoors in TBE risk areas.

This may also make sense for holidaymakers: "Parents should have themselves and their children vaccinated against FSME if they want to go on vacation in a risk area," says Liedtke.

"Anyone who is not sure whether the TBE vaccine is actually required should speak with the GP or pediatrician in this specific case," advises the expert.

In order to achieve the full vaccine protection, you usually need three vaccinations. One to three months after the first vaccination, a second takes place, up to twelve months later a third takes place.

The vaccine protection then lasted at least three years and leads according to Barmer in 99 percent of the vaccinated to complete protection.

How to protect yourself from tick bites

To protect against tick bites experts recommend common mosquito repellent containing the ingredients DEET or Icaridin. These make humans as prey uninteresting.

In addition, long clothes and sturdy shoes should be worn, for example, during walks or walks through tall grasses.

Very important: "After outdoor activities you should thoroughly search the body for ticks, especially soft and warm areas such as armpits, knees or groin," emphasizes Frank Liedtke.

Do not irritate ticks when removing them

If you notice ticks on the body, you have to hurry. The animal should be removed as soon as possible.

It is important that "all parts of the tick are removed to prevent inflammation," writes the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) on its website.

"To do this, you grab the tick with a pair of tweezers or a special tick-removing instrument near the surface of the skin, ie on your mouthparts (never on the soaked body!) And pull it out of the skin slowly and straight," it continues.

The tick should not be turned as far as possible and under no circumstances should it be drizzled with oil or glue before being removed. This would unnecessarily irritate the animal and could cause it to release its saliva and thus possible infectious agents ".

After removal of the tick, careful disinfection of the wound is recommended. (Ad)