Standing work help against heavy legs

Standing work help against heavy legs / Health News

Standing work: Help against heavy legs


In many occupations, workers often have to stand for hours. When working as a waiter, salesman or at the operating table, you usually get problems with your legs. Here are some tips that can help against heavy legs.

Standing in the job burdened the legs enormously
Many professions put a tremendous burden on the legs. Who, like waiters or salesmen, stands for hours, often has to contend with considerable complaints. What can help against heavy legs, explains Anette Wahl-Wachendorf of the Association of Plant and Vets (VDBW) to the news agency dpa. According to this, people who frequently work standing up and have painful calves on the job should wear compression stockings. „The problem arises because standing sank the blood in the feet“, so the expert. Before the use of the stockings, however, should be a medical review of the symptoms, as thick swollen legs can also go back to a more serious disease of the cardiovascular system. In addition, the support stockings must not be too tight, otherwise there is a risk of blood congestion. Therefore, employees should always have them customized in a specialist shop.

Movement against heavy legs
It is also good against heavy legs if you integrate as much exercise as possible into your daily work routine. Wahl-Wachendorf advises: „For example, if you work at the bakery behind the counter, you should walk up and down in a quiet minute.“ This brings relief. To train the calf muscles, it is also good to stand alternately on one leg and move the other foot in the air back and forth. Other exercises, such as the rocking of the heel on the toes or by placing the foot on a step and tensing the calf several times, can also counteract the discomfort.

Sports and naturopathy
Employees should also ideally after work in the evening to compensate for exercise. Also in the field of naturopathy, some methods have proven against heavy legs. Thus, in addition to the movement exercises to activate the blood circulation especially hydrotherapy methods, such as the so-called kneippschen fonts on. These can easily be done at home. In the best case, they also have a long-term stabilizing effect on the blood circulation, so that the blood does not sag in the legs during working hours.