Cities in the fight against oak processionary spinners

Cities in the fight against oak processionary spinners / Health News

Oak processionary moths are in Hessian cities on the collar


In several Hessian cities, the caterpillars of the oak processionary moth are currently being fought from the ground and from the air. The fine hairs of the caterpillars can cause severe allergic reactions such as shortness of breath and skin irritation. Currently, the larvae reach the third stage of development in which they form the stinging hairs. Therefore, the fight is particularly effective at this time.

In Frankfurt, forests are sprayed with insecticide against oak processionary spinners
Already on Tuesday an insecticide was sprayed by helicopter on the trees of the Fechenheimer and Eckenheimer forest in the east of Frankfurt. This confirmed a spokesman for the green space office opposite the news agency „dpa“. „Currently, the larvae reach the third stage, where they form the focal hairs and move.“ Therefore, the caterpillars are now very effective.

On Wednesday, the forests in Sachsenhausen, Oberrad and Niederrad were sprayed with the agent. The authorities have shut down the affected areas to prevent people coming into contact with the insecticide. However, this was only a precautionary measure, since the means for humans is not dangerous, it was said officially.

In addition, about 5,200 oak trees are being used in Frankfurt „Dipel ES“ sprayed in the coming weeks. The biological insecticide settles on the oak leaves and is eaten by the caterpillars of the oak processionary moth. The remedy prevents the animals from moulting so that they die. Around 156 hectares are to be treated with insecticides in Frankfurt. The cost of this measure amounts to about 150,000 euros. Environmentalists criticize the widespread use of insecticides, since other animals are affected and can die.

Leisure facilities closed due to oak processioners last year
In Wiesbaden around 1,400 trees are sprayed with an insecticide from the ground, according to the Green Space Office. Starting tomorrow, lifting platforms and spray guns will be available. Due to the caterpillars had in recent years green area deputy Oliver Franz according to even some recreational facilities are closed. This should be prevented this year by early countermeasures.

As the Darmstadt environment department head Barbara Akdeniz reported to the news agency, in Darmstadt as a precaution 3,000 trees would be treated by the end of May with a biological pesticide. Also in Offenbach the hairy caterpillars have already been declared to fight.

Oak Processionary Moths are brown butterflies of the tooth spinner family. In humans, the third larval caterpillar hairs are dangerous in May and June, as they can cause severe allergies. The fine hairs are barely visible and trigger toxic reactions with every touch. This often happens because they adhere well to the clothing and can easily penetrate the skin and mucous membranes where they stick with their hooks. In addition to shortness of breath, the stinging hair can cause itchy skin and eye irritation. In severe cases, the person affected may suffer an allergic shock. (Ag)

Image: Caterpillar dermatitis caused by oak processionary spinner Photo: Daniel Ullrich.