Instead of sports Take a quick, healthy walk every day

Instead of sports Take a quick, healthy walk every day / Health News

Just ten minutes of brisk walks a day are good for the heart and the circulation

A recent World Health Organization (WHO) study found that around a quarter of people do not exercise enough. However, regular physical activity is important to reduce, among other things, the risk of cardiovascular disease. This does not necessarily mean that you always have to do sports. Daily brisk walking can do a lot here.

Regular exercise prevents diseases

The fact that regular sports can help, among other things, against diabetes and cardiovascular diseases has been proven in numerous scientific studies. However, even moderate, regular exercise can help: Walking ten minutes a day for ten minutes can be good for the heart and circulation. The German Heart Foundation points to this in a recent communication.

Regular exercise helps prevent cardiovascular disease. Just ten minutes of brisk walking a day has a positive impact on your health. (Image: upixa /

Germany partly already in the most inactive countries

Lack of exercise and sitting for a long time make you ill.

However, a recent WHO study has shown that around one in four people around the world is not doing enough. In this country many would do a lot more exercise well.

"The study has shown that we are not much more active in Germany than, for example, in the USA, where the diabetes rate is already higher today," said Professor Martin Halle from the scientific advisory board of the German Heart Foundation.

"As far as physical activity in women is concerned, Germany is already comparable with Brazil and Saudi Arabia in the most inactive countries," says the cardiologist.

Cardiovascular disease will increase

The sports and preventive medicine warns against a too lax attitude according to the motto "It's not that bad at all!":

"It can not be that school authorities in this country fail school sports lessons to 25 percent and allow that 60 percent of children and adolescents can not swim adequately. You can not teach old dogs new tricks."

According to Professor Halle, the consequences for the healthcare system will be visible in 15 years: diabetes and cardiovascular diseases will continue to increase just as much as some cancers and dementia.

Regular exercise in everyday units

But how can people get more exercise despite their lack of time and fatigue before and after their professional and family commitments?

In an interview with the editors of "Herz Heute", Journal of the German Heart Foundation, Professor Halle explained why and how regular exercise effectively increases protection against atherosclerosis (arteriosclerosis) and thus against heart attack, stroke and cardiac insufficiency even in smaller units suitable for everyday use.

In addition, he explained how exercise has a positive effect on other body and organ functions such as cell renewal, stimulation of brain activity, metabolic processes in the liver and other organs.

How much time you have to invest at least

The expert also explained how much time must be invested minimally for sport in order to set the positive mechanisms in motion.

"Anyone who walks around ten minutes a day, for example, will reduce their risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes by 20 percent," says Professor Halle.

"After only six to eight weeks, significantly improved muscle metabolism, increased elasticity of the vessels and improved heart function are to be expected."

Regularity and stamina are always important for your health. According to the physician, cycling, brisk walking, hiking, Nordic walking, jogging and swimming are among the best endurance sports.

"It is also advisable to support endurance training that stimulates the heart and circulation with light weight training that strengthens the muscles. Strength training should be done dynamically, with low weights and frequent repetitions. "

Studies have shown that even existing arteriosclerosis can be positively influenced.

"It is always worthwhile and at any age to integrate more exercise into everyday life because it always does something for the health of its vessels, the heart and all other organs of the body." (Ad)