Instead of working out illnesses

Work can wait: curing diseases better
Diseases should be properly cured before workers return to work. But some go to work sick, partly out of fear for their jobs, partly because no one wants to expect his colleague to work overtime. This can sometimes lead to worse health consequences.
From a harmless abducted cold, for example, can then form a heart muscle inflammation, which can be difficult to be diagnosed by a doctor. If you feel like climbing stairs, going for a walk or cleaning it is very exhausting, then you should visit the family doctor. Other signs may include chest or limb pain, heart stuttering and increased fatigue. An irregular heartbeat after a cold may also indicate an inflamed heart muscle. In general, the symptoms appear after one to two weeks, in which a doctor should be consulted
Cure illnesses in peace
Many people think that if after four days no longer runs the nose and the neck no longer hurts, the cold is over.„I can only appeal for a rest cure“, explains the family doctor Hans-Michael Mühlenfeld from Bremen to the „dpa“. If somebody still wants to go back to work, he should definitely consult with his family doctor beforehand.
Colds can also attack the lungs. This is the case when the disease has progressed so far that the ramifications in the lungs are no longer functioning properly, causing inflammation in the alveoli and bronchi. If nothing is done then pneumonia is not far off. In the initial stages, symptoms of severe cough, mild fever, and headache and body aches can be observed.
After a cold, the ramifications of the lungs do not work properly, pathogens can now spread so undisturbed. But not only for yourself a complete cure of the common cold makes sense. Even the colleagues are spared. You do not necessarily have to do much to protect yourself from the flu and cold. Neat exercise, a balanced diet - this includes a sufficient intake of vitamins on and off and sometimes even the daily stress can be enough. (Fr)