Statistics Much more deaths in Germany

Federal Statistical Office publishes figures on deaths in Germany
The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) reports a slight increase in deaths in 2012 - compared to the previous year, the number of deceased persons has increased by two percent. By far the most common cause of death remains cardiovascular disease. More than 40 percent of deaths were attributed to her. One striking feature of statistics is the significant increase in deaths from certain infectious and parasitic diseases, even though these account for just 2.1 percent of all deaths.
According to official statistics, a total of 869,582 people (416,423 men, 453,159 women) died in Germany in 2012. Behind the cardiovascular diseases formed „malignant neoplasms“, speak cancer, the second leading cause of death. But diseases of the respiratory system (seven percent of deaths) and the digestive system (4.6 percent of deaths) are responsible for a not to be underestimated proportion of deaths overall.
Especially older people die from cardiovascular disease
According to the Federal Statistical Office, cardiovascular diseases show that of the 349,217 deceased who succumbed to these diseases, the majority had already reached the age of seniors. According to Destatis, 92 percent were older than 65 years. In the most well-known form of acute cardiovascular disease, the heart attack, a total of 55,425 people died in 2012, with men being affected more frequently than women (about 56 percent men and 44 percent women).
Cancer the second most common cause of death
With 221,611 deaths, cancer accounts for more than a quarter of all causes of death, but the incidence of diagnosed cancers is different between the sexes. While men most often „Malignant neoplasms of the digestive organs or malignant neoplasms of the respiratory system“ In addition to the cancers of the digestive organs, breast cancer is a particularly common cause of death in women.
Increase in deadly infectious and parasitic diseases
According to the Federal Statistical Office, the noticeable increase in the number of people affected is striking „Deaths due to infectious and parasitic diseases“ in 2012. Ten percent more people than in the previous year died of such a disease. „Thus, the trend of the increase of these diseases continues“, emphasizes the Federal Statistical Office in its current press release. Compared to the year 2002 „75 percent more people died from such a disease“, so the Federal Office on.
The non-natural cause of death is also shown in the current statistics. They account for 3.8 percent of total deaths. Nearly 33,000 deaths have claimed the injuries, poisoning and Co. According to the Federal Statistical Office, about 30 percent of these deaths were due to suicide, whereby men are clearly more at risk here than women (74 percent men, 26 percent women). (Fp)
Image: Andreas Dengs,